西班牙建筑事务所Studio Andrew Trotter,由创始人Andrew Trotter成立于2010年。主要提供建筑、室内、产品及相关的设计和咨询服务。他们希望借助契合的、有质感的材料使用与主观营造,塑造出一种专属的优雅风格,以恰当的设计方式介入日常的生活。

Spanish architecture firm Studio Andrew Trotter was founded in 2010 by founder Andrew Trotter. Mainly provides architectural, interior, product and related design and consulting services. They hope to create an exclusive elegant style through the use of suitable and textured materials and subjective construction, and intervene in daily life with appropriate design methods.

工作室的最新项目Casa Soleto,位于Puglia地区建造于17世纪的一座宫殿内,它被村庄悠久的历史文化赋予了独特的魅力,有着老电影中的空间场景,给人一种像是迷失在时间里的错觉。Andrew Trotter和他的合作伙伴Marcelo Martinez共同修复了这座老旧的建筑,旨在为客人提供真实“乡村生活”的居住体验。
The studio's latest project, Casa Soleto, located in a 17th century palace in the Puglia region, is endowed with a unique charm by the village's long history and culture, with spatial scenes from old movies that give the illusion of being lost in time. Andrew Trotter and his partner Marcelo Martinez have restored the old building with the aim of providing guests with an authentic "country life" experience.

设计师认为工艺的传承和手工饰面的呈现是尊重原始设计的前提,因此,Casa Soleto的翻新与其所在地区的巴洛克式宫殿形态相呼应。同时采用了一系列手工编织地毯,从细微到深沉的色调变化,为项目奠定了美学基础,营造出一种宁静的奢华感。使空间既能保留了建筑过去的氛围,又具备现代感。

The designers believed that the inheritance of craftsmanship and the presentation of hand-made finishes were prerequisites for respecting the original design, so the renovation of Casa Soleto echoes the baroque palace form of its area. At the same time, a series of hand-woven rugs, varying in tone from subtle to deep, lay the aesthetic foundation for the project and create a sense of serene luxury. So that the space can retain the atmosphere of the building's past, but also have a modern sense.

From the moment I stepped into the courtyard, it was as if all time had stood still. The living room is connected to the spacious dining room, opposite which is a "flower hall". The upper floor is reached by a staircase in the entrance courtyard, where the "green house" at the top is used as another living room property and is surrounded by three distinctive bedroom suites.

The carpet, hand-woven from jute yarn, is one of the most common elements in the space, echoing the soft waves of water to create a balanced, authentic and simple visual aesthetic that imparts warmth and texture to the concrete floor while emphasizing the artistry inherent in each piece. These rugs are a combination of old and new, and although they are modern, they have some kind of close intrinsic connection with the rugs of the past.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Andrew Trotter
