Nickolas Gurtler Design是澳大利亚墨尔本一家以精致追求而闻名的室内设计工作室,由设计师Nickolas Gurtler成立于2014年。目前为止,他们在住宅、零售和酒店等领域设计了一系列高度定制化的、令人印象深刻的作品。
Nickolas Gurtler Design is an interior design studio in Melbourne, Australia, known for its sophisticated pursuits, founded in 2014 by designer Nickolas Gurtler. To date, they have designed an impressive range of highly customised works in the residential, retail and hospitality sectors.

Ola Aesthetics


Ola Aesthetics重新塑造了医疗美学空间,并模糊了其与宗教场所之间的界限。Nickolas Gurtler从埃及文明中获得灵感,营造了具有仪式感和宁静感的感官空间,同时表达着对身体美学的敬畏。定制设计的现代家具、照明与经典设计元素相结合,形成新的分层形式,创造了一种独特的直观视角。

Ola Aesthetics reinvents the medical aesthetic space and blurs the boundaries between it and religious places. Nickolas Gurtler draws inspiration from Egyptian civilization to create sensory Spaces with a sense of ritual and serenity, while expressing awe for the aesthetics of the body. Custom designed modern furniture and lighting are combined with classic design elements to form new layered forms that create a unique visual perspective.

Ocean Cosmetics


这间诊所更像是一家豪华的精品店,其设计目的在于将客户引入另一个空灵的世界。设计师从Thierry Mugler Angel香水瓶中汲取灵感,设计了一系列具有奢华感的、光滑表皮又有着棱角的精致空间。室内天然材料的使用赋予了空间的灵动性,同时回应附近著名海滨区的自然环境。
More like a luxury boutique, the clinic is designed to introduce clients to another ethereal world. Drawing inspiration from the Thierry Mugler Angel perfume bottle, the designer designed a series of elegant Spaces with a sense of luxury, smooth skin and edges. The use of natural materials in the interior gives the space a sense of mobility while responding to the natural surroundings of the famous waterfront area nearby.
CWK Residence


CWK Residence的设计前期,客户希望住宅能够成为他与家人长期居住和生活的地方,并拥有一定的娱乐功能,以满足他们与朋友聚会和社交的需求。在此过程中,设计师注重空间之间的和谐和连贯,鲜艳的黄色和柔和的绿色贯穿于内部,呈现出不一样的温暖感和生命力,并形成有着视觉性的材料色调分层。
In the early stages of the design of CWK Residence, the client wanted the house to be a place for him and his family to live and have a certain entertainment function to meet their needs to meet friends and socialize. In this process, the designer pays attention to the harmony and coherence between the Spaces, bright yellow and soft green throughout the interior, showing a different sense of warmth and vitality, and forming a visual layer of material tones.

Brent Wilson Atelier


Brent Wilson Atelier是一家专为男士高定的服装店,最新旗舰店在Nickolas Gurtler的构思下散发着奢华的气息,为人们呈现更具品质感的零售体验。室内采用了黑色、白色和米白色进行区分,使棱角分明的家具成为焦点,以回应男性的清晰“轮廓”。而原始结构的天花板,为空间注入了一种粗犷的即视感。
The latest flagship of Brent Wilson Atelier, a couture clothing store for men, exuded luxury under the design of Nickolas Gurtler, offering a more quality retail experience. The interior is distinguished by black, white and off-white, making the angular furniture the focal point in response to the clear "silhouette" of the man. The ceiling of the original structure injects a sense of rugged immediacy into the space.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Nickolas Gurtler
