John Pawson是极简主义最具代表性的建筑师之一。1949年出生于英国,毕业后前往日本,跟随仓俣史朗(Shiro Kuramata)学习,并深受东方禅宗的影响。他对建筑氛围的营造有着极高的自我追求,坚持无论是任何形式都应该追溯到与质量、空间、材质、比例、形体、重复、光线及仪式的关系上。
John Pawson is one of the most representative architects of minimalism. Born in England in 1949, he went to Japan after graduation to study with Shiro Kuramata and was deeply influenced by Eastern Zen Buddhism. He has a high degree of self-pursuit for the creation of architectural atmosphere, insisting that any form should be traced back to the relationship with quality, space, material, proportion, form, repetition, light and ritual.  

Copenhagen Apartment


Overlooking Øresund, this penthouse on the outskirts of Copenhagen is furnished with a series of living areas whose purpose is a minimalist aesthetic. The pure tone of the white plaster ceiling and facade sets the tone for the overall space, while the sculptural wooden wall becomes the real protagonist of the space and connects the various Spaces through reasonable movement lines.

Giessen House


Giessen House是一座位于德国的极简式住宅,通过古典的建筑原则创造出沉浸式的生活场所。居住者的日常生活和视线自由地延伸到居所的边界之外,而地面层则被特意地塑造出内敛的空间氛围。对于建筑师来说,设计重点在于如何借助高处的景观优势,同时重新调整室内与自然光之间的互动。

Giessen House is a minimalist house in Germany that uses established architectural principles to create this immersive living place. The occupants' daily life and sight lines extend freely beyond the boundaries of the house, while the ground floor is deliberately designed to be restrained. The focus turns to the elevated landscape and gradually realignments the complementary dialogue between the interior Spaces and the natural light above.

John Pawson Japan Photography Gallery


这是John Pawson在日本举办的首次摄影作品展,展厅分为三个室内部分和一个室外部分。其中两个展厅展示的是取材于《光谱》的一系列有色度的艺术作品;而另一个展厅则展示了《光谱》的双联版画以及《家》系列的摄影作品。

This is the first exhibition of John Pawson's photography in Japan, and the exhibition hall is divided into three indoor sections and one outdoor section. Two of the galleries display a series of chromatic works of art based on "Spectrum"; The other gallery displays diptych prints from Spectrum and photographs from the Home series.

REV Showroom


The REV showroom in Milan explores the theme of "permanence" and a series of interactions between surfaces, proportions, colours and light, reconnecting the physical and intrinsic relationships between the past, present and future. To meet the customer's vision of the pursuit of craft aesthetics and authenticity through the rearrangement and adaptation of the original material.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :John Pawson
