Studio Motif是一家非常低调的设计工作室,总部位于韩国首尔,专注于室内、酒店和商业等领域的空间设计。他们善于研究各种材料和其独特的表达形式,并在其中找寻设计灵感,将它们应用到实际的项目当中,以创造出具有自我鲜明符号特征的空间。
Studio Motif is a very low-key design studio based in Seoul, South Korea, specializing in space design for the interior, hospitality and commercial sectors. They are good at studying various materials and their unique forms of expression, and find design inspiration in them, and apply them to actual projects to create Spaces with their own distinctive symbolic characteristics.

Komfortabel Namsan Coffee Shop


Komfortabel Namsan咖啡店位于一座大厦的顶层,面积约为200㎡,呈矩形状,拥有三面幕墙的开阔视野,使其可以俯瞰都市景观。Studio Motif在内部创造了一处抬高的具有稳定性的围合区域,为设置座位和顾客活动提供灵活空间。弧形屋顶采用了白色缎面漆,设计师希望打破空间材料的单调性。
Komfortabel Namsan Coffee shop is located on the top floor of a building with an area of approximately 200 square meters and a rectangular shape with three curtain walls that allow it to overlook the urban landscape. Studio Motif creates an elevated, stable enclosed area inside that provides flexibility for seating and customer activity. The curved roof features a white satin finish, and the designers wanted to break up the monotony of the spatial materials.

Granhand Store


Granhand是一个以"日常香氛"为宗旨的、追求“日常生活舒适性”的香水品牌。在香水的使用语言中,许多术语都与木材有关,因此,Studio Motif对木材的质地进行了研究,塑造了这处由象牙色调作为背景的展陈空间。局部制作线条图案的架子,使用了纹理粗糙的橡树肌理来强调一种随机的线条感。
Granhand is a "daily fragrance" for the purpose of the pursuit of "daily life comfort" perfume brand. In the language of perfume, many terms are related to wood, so Studio Motif studied the texture of wood and shaped the exhibition space with ivory tones as the background. Locally made line pattern shelves, the use of coarse grain oak texture to emphasize a sense of random line.

Komfortabel Anguk Coffee


这家由韩国Granhand香水品牌推出的咖啡店的设计主题围绕着“咖啡香味”展开,Studio Motif拆除了部分外墙以丰富空间的立面呈现,同时采用玻璃进行局部分割,打破了原本室内外的明确界限。空间中使用了“自然友好型建筑材料”,随着时间的推移,它能遗留下岁月的痕迹。
This is a coffee shop launched by the Korean Granhand perfume brand, and the entire design of Designed around the theme of "coffee fragrance," Studio Motif removed part of the exterior wall to enrich the facade of the space, while using glass to partially divide it, breaking down the original clear boundaries between indoor and outdoor. "Nature-friendly building materials" are used in the space, allowing it to leave its mark over time.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Studio Motif
