在美国室内设计师Betsy Brown看来,家——无不是居住者的一种真实写照,它是日常的载体,是从私密空间到公共生活的优雅过渡。身处家中,无论是独处,抑或与亲朋好友相伴,都会令人感到轻松。所以,探索理想的生活方式,理解家的内涵成为了工作室追求的目标和设计时首先考虑的关键性因素。

In the view of American interior designer Betsy Brown, home - all is a true portrayal of the occupants, it is the carrier of everyday life, from private space to the elegant transition of public life. Being at home, either alone or with friends and family, can be relaxing. Therefore, exploring the ideal way of life and understanding the connotation of home have become the goal pursued by the studio and the key factors considered first in the design.



这是为一位美籍收藏家改造的一处现代住宅,共设15个房间,其中包括书房、艺术室、摄影工作室、三间卧室以及地下酒窖、健身房等。Betsy Brown在场地周围的群山和其所在城市的地标之中汲取灵感,使住宅与环境完美融合,将原本不合理的布局进行优化,提升居住者的舒适性。同时室内展示着许多业主的私人艺术藏品,以表达其对中世纪艺术的推崇。

A modern home for an American collector, it has 15 rooms, including a study, an art room, a photography studio, three bedrooms, an underground wine cellar and a gym. Betsy Brown draws inspiration from the surrounding mountains and landmarks of the city in which the house is located, making it a perfect blend with the environment, while optimizing the otherwise unreasonable layout to enhance the comfort of the occupants. At the same time, many of the owner's private art collections are displayed in the interior to express his admiration for medieval art.

Chattanoga Home


位于圣埃尔莫地区一间名为Chattanoga Home”的小房子,是Betsy Brown专门为家人所设计的,便于她周末时看望和陪伴自己最小的孙子,所以,也称之为“祖母屋”。精致复古的温暖元素和色调应用其中,形成一种新与旧之间的对话,另外,陈列其中的由艺术家创作的半身铜像“Diadji”成为了空间的一处视角焦点。

The Chattanoga Home, a small house in the St. Elmo area, was designed by Betsy Brown specifically for her family to visit and spend time with her youngest grandson on weekends, so it is also called the "grandmother house". Delicate retro warmth elements and tones are applied to form a dialogue between the old and the new, and the bronze bust "Diadji", created by the artist on display, becomes a focal point of the space.

Betsy Brown Home


Betsy Brown之家”在尊重建筑历史的基础上,置入简约的色调、质朴的自然材料,同时以日本侘寂美学为主要的灵感来源,旨在于不完美和无常之中寻找“生活之美”。室内布局围绕着一个宽阔的中央走廊而展开,5m长的餐桌不仅有效地延伸了空间,还将人们的注意力引向绮丽的室外景色。其中主客卧和浴室位于住宅的前端,面向绿色硬木景观,产生内外之间的视觉流动。

"Betsy Brown House" respects the history of the building by incorporating simple colors and rustic natural materials, while taking the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi-Sabi as the main inspiration, aiming to find the "beauty of life" in the imperfection and impermanence. The layout of the interior is organized around a wide central corridor, and the 5-meter-long dining table not only effectively extends the space, but also draws attention to the stunning outdoor views. The master and guest bedrooms and bathrooms are located at the front end of the house, facing the green hardwood landscape, creating a visual flow between inside and outside.

Betsy Brown



Exclusive Interview

Q1. 您的设计理念是什么?

Q1. In as few or as many words as you’d like, how do you define your interior ethos?

Betsy Brown:我觉得,好的设计首先要考虑空间给人带来的感受,这一最终目标也确定了美学的取向、舒适度、灵活性和真实性等其它的一切因素。

Betsy Brown: Successful interior design is first and foremost about how a space makes the client feel. That end goal dictates everything else—aesthetics, comfort, energy and authenticity.

Q2. 您的作品于现代和古典主义之间取得了很好的平衡。如果在我们自己的家中想要呈现同样的感觉,有什么更好地建议吗?

Q2. You strike a beautiful balance between modernism and antiquities.  Any advice for finding the same golden ratio in our own homes?

Betsy Brown: 要想获得永恒感,最好尽早开始学会收藏。如果你的风格是现代的,可以将古色古香之物与简洁明快之物进行混搭;如果你的风格是传统的,那么试试经典的、传统的作品与令人眼前一亮的现代艺术品的结合。因为只有对比才能产生某种感觉的深度,要相信自己的直觉!虽然在25岁时很难选择一些到90岁时还会喜欢的物件,但重要的是要坚信自己的直觉,并在之后坦然地接受自己的曾经选择,这样也有利于纪念年轻时的自己。

Betsy Brown: To achieve a sense of timelessness, it’s good to start collecting early. If your style is modern, look for pieces that are crusty and ancient, and mix them with things that feel simple and clean.  If your style is traditional, use classic, traditional pieces mixed with strikingly modern art.  It’s the contrast that creates depth.  Trust your gut!  As hard as it may seem to choose pieces when you’re 25 that you’ll still love when you’re 90, it’s important to trust your intuition early on and, later, honor your younger self by embracing the choices you made.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Betsy Brown

