Estudio DIIR建筑事务所,由西班牙建筑师David Meana、Ignacio Navarro、Iñigo PalazónRicardo Fernández共同于2018年成立。业务涉及办公、商业、公共建筑和住宅。工作室关注着当下的社会、文化和环境之间的微妙关系与变化,通过创新立意和严谨把控来呈现每个项目的独特性。

Estudio DIIR Architects was founded in 2018 by Spanish architects David Meana, Ignacio Navarro, Inigo Palazon and Ricardo Fernandez. Business involves office, commercial, public buildings and residential. The studio pays attention to the subtle relationships and changes between the current society, culture and environment, and presents the uniqueness of each project through innovation and rigorous control.

Diplomatic Store


为了达到最佳的购物体验,Estudio DIIR精心设计了一条新的动线,使购物者能够以不同的形式来欣赏商品。矩形和单调的围墙是塑造空间的初步动作,其中几何形状得到了实质性的应用并体现出它的重要性,令两个呈线性的空间被区分开来。位于项目的中心的巨大圆顶构成一种特殊的情境氛围,倾泻而下的自然光,为空间注入活泼的生命。
In order to achieve the best shopping experience, Estudio DIIR has carefully designed a new moving line that enables shoppers to appreciate the goods in different formats. Rectangles and monotonous walls are the first steps in shaping the space, in which geometry is used substantively and shows its importance to distinguish two linear Spaces. The huge dome at the center of the project creates a special situational atmosphere, pouring natural light into the space to breathe life into it.



品牌识别和销售模式成为这个项目构思的基础,Estudio DIIR采用了绿色作为空间的主色调,以便传递健康的价值取向,并以一种激进的方式来诠释空间。工作室对每一个构造细节都给予特别的关注,使色调之间相互匹配、协调,以营造独特的场所氛围。
Brand identity and sales model became the basis of the concept of the project, Estudio DIIR adopted green as the main color of the space in order to convey a healthy value orientation and interpret the space in a radical way. The studio pays special attention to every structural detail, matching and coordinating the colors to create a unique place atmosphere.



Creating a quality and engaging space became the focus of the design, and in order to make it perfectly presented, the concept was extended and developed so that people could understand the space in a special way. Through the integration of multiple functions, the public and commercial areas are intentionally separated from the services, thus highlighting the most distinctive design ideas of the public space.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Estudio DIIR
