Omar Gandhi是一家加拿大的建筑和室内设计工作室,成立于2010年。他们的项目涵盖城市规划、建筑改造、乡村住宅、滨海别墅以及关注并重新思考整体的景观设计,同时涉及家具设计、氛围塑造,并根据客户的特点、场地环境与对材料和施工方法的严格要求,构建出有利于改善人们生活的空间。

Omar Gandhi is a Canadian architecture and interior design studio founded in 2010. Their projects cover urban planning, architectural renovation, country houses, seaside villas and a focus on rethinking the landscape as a whole, as well as furniture design, atmosphere shaping, and creating Spaces that improve people's lives according to the characteristics of the client, the site environment and the strict requirements of materials and construction methods.

Jib House


Jib住宅的所在地是有着悠久航海历史的Chester村,建筑坐落于一处三角形的海滨地块,可以一览Chester盆地和附近岛屿的优美景色。Omar Gandhi的愿望是希望在景观和建筑之间创造一种和谐,将它们与大海联系起来。一系列的体块创造了梯田式的路径,通向游泳池和配套的泳池屋;上层露台连接着主要的生活区,满足日常的放松与娱乐;沿下层露台行走,则可以从现有的船库和码头步入水面之中。

Located in Chester, a village with a long maritime history, Jib House sits on a triangular waterfront plot with sweeping views of the Chester Basin and nearby islands. Omar Gandhi's desire was to create a harmony between landscape and architecture, connecting them to the sea. A series of volumes create a terraced path leading to the pool and accompanying pool house; The upper terrace connects the main living areas for daily relaxation and entertainment; Walking along the lower terrace, you can step into the water from the existing boathouse and marina.

Matheson Restaurant Toronto


Matheson餐厅位于一座早期的砖砌建筑内,白色建筑内部采用了拱形木材形式,它被想象为“一个充满光线的木质大教堂,衬着一个不显眼的现有砖砌建筑,完美、和谐地融入到城市的肌理之中。”Omar Gandhi采用当地的天然木材和光作为设计的切入点,目标是创造一个“永恒的空间”,不受潮流的影响,随着时间的推移,呈现出独特的光泽,丰富餐厅的面貌。

The Matheson restaurant is housed in an earlier brick building with a white, arched timber interior that is imagined as "a light-filled wooden cathedral against an unobtrusive existing brick building that blends perfectly and harmoniously into the urban fabric." Using local natural wood and light as an entry point for the design, Omar Gandhi aims to create a "timeless space" that is impervious to trends and, over time, takes on a unique shine that enriches the restaurant's face.

Canadian House


Omar Gandhi在多伦多一处广阔的农村用地上重建了Canadian住宅,曲线的橡木楼梯将室内四个错层空间连接起来,建筑周围有条小溪,同时环绕着茂密的枫树和郁郁葱葱的林地,设计师旨在更好地将建筑融入当地的环境中。内部共三个单元体量,每个都以低斜的屋顶进行划分,可从门厅借助楼梯通向有着大窗的客厅,楼下由洞石所装饰,而楼上则为雪松木所覆盖。
Omar Gandhi has redeveloped a Canadian house on a vast rural site in Toronto. A curving oak staircase connects four split-level Spaces inside. Surrounded by a stream, the house is surrounded by lush maple trees and lush woodlands, and the architect aims to better integrate the house into the local context. Inside, there are three volumes, each divided by a low pitched roof, with a staircase from the foyer leading to a living room with large Windows. The lower floor is clad in cave stone, while the upper floor is clad in cedar.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Omar Gandhi
