Studio Practice是一家位于韩国首尔的室内设计工作室,成立于2020年,业务涉及艺术和设计的各个领域,包括空间、展览、艺术指导、装置、家具、物品和材料实验等。

Studio Practice is an interior design studio based in Seoul, South Korea, founded in 2020, working in all areas of art and design, including space, exhibitions, art direction, installations, furniture, objects and materials experimentation.

Obscura Pop Up Store



Fashion brand Obscura's Pop-up store, located on the second floor of the basement of Hyundai Department Store in Seoul, is a small space of about 72 square meters, which is used as a temporary clothing sales space during pop-up events. It is divided into display space, sales space, fitting room and warehouse, and naturally rusted steel and stainless steel are used as the main materials of the space. Functional objects such as hangers and shelves are installed in the center of the store, symbolically demonstrating the concept of a space where nature and artificiality coexist in harmony.

Treemingbird The Hyundai Seoul



Treemingbird is a fashion brand store located in Seoul, South Korea, where materials and colors create sharp contrasts in the space, enriching the layers of the space. Curved metal partitions combined with dry branches are designed to create a "treehouse-like" feel to the space. The curved coat hanger seems to deliberately imitate the shape of the branches, echoing the atmosphere of the entire space. The water wave patterned display table further enhances the natural atmosphere.
Obscura Store In Dosan


Obscura的新店内展示着精心挑选的来自全球各地的时尚男装和女装,这家新开业的商店位于Dosan,占地165平方米,共两层,采用了现代混凝土结构。其美学设计灵感来自韩国著名画家Yun-hyong Keun的一幅名为Burnt Uber Ultramarin的抽象画。进入店内,大型黑色胶合板,既是隔断,也是服装陈列架,与混凝土地板、白色墙壁和原始混凝土梁相映衬,使金属螺旋楼梯成为视觉的焦点。

A curated selection of stylish men's and women's clothing from around the globe is on display inside Obscura's new store, a 165-square-metre, two-storey modern concrete structure in Dosan. Its aesthetic design is inspired by an abstract painting called Burnt Uber Ultramarin by the famous Korean painter Yun-hyong Keun. Entering the store, large black plywood panels, both partitions and clothing display shelves, are set against the concrete floor, white walls and original concrete beams, making the metal spiral staircase the visual focal point.
Cafe Knotted In Jamsil



This 1050 square meter cafe is located in Seoul, South Korea. Cream color is used as the main color of the space, showing a natural and warm feeling, creating a comfortable dining environment and space atmosphere. Large glazing areas allow natural light to flow freely into the interior while providing customers with expansive views of the city landscape. The seating area in the centre of the cafe has been given details designed to simulate the natural flow of cream.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright Studio Practice
