Anne Claus是一位来自荷兰的室内设计师,在阿姆斯特丹创立了自己同名的设计工作室。她凭借对细节的关注和对造型的准确把握,以及无限的奉献精神和自我鲜明个性而著称。
Anne Claus is an interior designer from the Netherlands who founded her eponymous design studio in Amsterdam. She is known for her attention to detail and accurate grasp of style, as well as her boundless dedication and distinctive personality.

Anne Claus对不同时期的设计文化及风格演变有着高度的热情,这使得她所设计的项目总能给人带来愉悦,不追随潮流趋势,也不受其约束,作品在不断的探索中而拥有永恒的品质。
Anne Claus culture and style of different periods of design evolution has a high degree of enthusiasm, which makes her the total project design can bring people pleasure, don't follow trends, and also not be bound by them, work in the continuous exploration and has the quality of the eternal.

由于对艺术、材料、纹理和质地的热爱与深刻研究,无不影响了她的设计风格,它们在Anne Claus的精心经营下构成了意想不到的组合效果,最终使其成为有机的整体,而目之所及的一切,彼此相得益彰。

Her love and deep study of art, materials, textures and textures have all influenced her style of design, which is carefully managed by Anne Claus to form an unexpected combination, and ultimately makes it an organic whole, where everything in sight complements each other.

石材常常被Anne Claus设计于不同的项目中,因为每一种石材都有着其独特的自然纹理,也可被视为一种奢华和永恒的材料。它几乎不需要维护,存在的时间越长,越具有故事性,再经过人工的精心打磨,则会显现出令人惊喜的面貌。
The stone is often designed by Anne Claus in different projects because each stone has its own natural texture and can also be seen as a luxurious and timeless material. It requires almost no maintenance, and the longer it exists, the more story-telling it becomes, and the more carefully honed it is, the more surprising it becomes.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Anne Claus Interiors
