Kelly Wearstler,是一名杰出的、富有情调的美国室内设计师,她以奢华和令人着迷的生活理念而著称。其优雅浪漫的设计风格,彰显了色彩的力量。她凭借着自己独特的设计风格,融合了精致的色彩、复杂和自发性以及将不同时期的家具完美结合,来改变现代美国设计的风貌、并赋予其内涵和不同的意义。

Kelly Wearstler is an outstanding and emotional American interior designer known for her luxurious and captivating lifestyle. Its elegant and romantic design style reveals the power of color. She changed the look, meaning and meaning of modern American design with her own unique style of design, combining exquisite color, complexity and spontaneity with furniture from different periods.

Ulla Johnson Showroom


时装设计师Ulla Johnson于西好莱坞开设了首家以“自然的世界”为主题的旗舰店,Kelly Wearstler在设计中展现出自己一贯的混搭风格,并借鉴了70-80年代温暖且有触感的设计元素,希望给室内构建一种家居般的氛围。与此同时,还委托她们共同喜欢的洛杉矶艺术家创作了部分当代艺术作品。
Fashion designer Ulla Johnson opened the first "Natural World" themed flagship store in West Hollywood, and Kelly Wearstler showed her usual style of mixing and matching, and borrowed from the warm and tactile design elements of the 70s and 80s, hoping to create a home-like atmosphere. At the same time, she commissioned some contemporary art works from Los Angeles artists they both liked.

Entering the interior, an open atrium with soft colors and plenty of light comes into view, giving people a warm feeling of home. The open sitting area is adjacent to one side and is designed to provide customers with a short rest or interaction. In the back, there is a large sunroom filled with plants sourced from the local seedling farm, and a 16-foot Brachychiton tree with lush foliage rises to the second floor, bursting with life.

Cocktail Bar


在构思这间折衷主义风格的Cocktail酒吧时,Kelly Wearstler借鉴了西班牙、墨西哥和摩洛哥的传统风格,并以“色彩和戏剧性的灯光”为营造亮点。顾客穿过黄色的彩色玻璃门,进入铺设了淡紫色水泥砖的吧台区,随之可至铺设了深红色编织地毯的休息区,空间中主要陈设了混合着复古和现代特质的艺术品。
In conceiving the eclectic Cocktail bar, Kelly Wearstler drew on traditional styles from Spain, Mexico and Morocco, highlighting it with "color and dramatic lighting." Customers walk through yellow stained glass doors to a bar area with lavender cement tiles, followed by a lounge area with a deep red woven carpet and a mix of vintage and modern art.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Kelly Wearstler

