Kennedy Nolan是一家位于墨尔本的室内设计公司,由Rachel NolanPatrick Kennedy共同成立于1999年,致力于探索与原始场地、周围环境、自然景观紧密联系且相融共生的建筑实践。
Kennedy Nolan is a Melbourne-based interior design firm founded in 1999 by Rachel Nolan and Patrick Kennedy to explore architectural practices that are intimately connected and symbiotic with the original site, surrounding environment and natural landscape.

Flinders House


所处的场地对于新建筑而言,既是一份馈赠,也是一种挑战。Flinders住宅的形式和空间布局被Kennedy Nolan重新安排,并合理地解决车辆和行人动线的问题。而建筑主体与景观的关系成为了设计过程中关键的考量,工作室根据日照和风向为住宅配置了多个同室外互动的场所,使其尽可能的与周边景观产生对话。

The site is both a gift and a challenge for the new building. The form and spatial layout of Flinders House was rearranged by Kennedy Nolan to reasonably address vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The relationship between the main body of the building and the landscape became a key consideration during the design process, with the studio providing multiple places for the house to interact with the outside according to the sunlight and wind direction, so as to create a dialogue with the surrounding landscape as much as possible.

Somers House


A good living space should not only focus on practicality and daily storage, but also reflect the unique aesthetics of the owner and the relationship between the house and the site, and be flexible enough to meet the diversity of later living and future lifestyle changes. The main living area of the Somers house is placed in an elevated glass box, with views of the beach beyond through the dunes and vegetation, as well as natural light from the north side.

Nightingale Leftfield


Located on Duckett Street, the complex consists of 28 apartments with views of the city to the south and a terrace to the north overlooking the community street. This design strategy addresses how to connect with the surrounding environment while creating the possibility of new architectural connections and interactions. Due to the symbolic presence of the huge pillar and the Piranesian proportions, it looks like a municipal building standing on the site.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Kennedy Nolan
