Espacio 18 Arquitectura,一家总部设于墨西哥的建筑事务所,专注于住宅、建筑和景观的设计。他们善长从已有的建筑和场地所在的位置及周边的环境中汲取灵感,因而,工作室的设计作品总能真实的反映生活、回归纯粹和守朴归真的本质。

Espacio 18 Arquitectura, a Mexico-based architecture firm, specialises in the design of homes, buildings and landscapes. They are good at drawing inspiration from the existing buildings and the location of the site and the surrounding environment. As a result, the design works of the studio always reflect the real life, return to the essence of purity and simplicity.

La casa del Sapo


La casa del Sapo,是一座坐落于海滩上的混凝土结构的海滨民宿,其东西两翼分别可以欣赏完美的日出和日落。民宿的巧思布局创造了一系列三角形的露台空间,在南面有一个大型的中央露台,可俯瞰大海;北面则有两个私密的空间,由东街区的高混凝土墙所分隔和遮蔽,以保证室内的隐私性。

La Casa del Sapo is a concrete beachfront B&B located on the beach, with perfect sunrises and sunsets on the east and west wings. The clever layout of the B&B creates a series of triangular terrace Spaces, with a large central terrace on the south side overlooking the sea; On the north, two private Spaces are separated and shaded by a high concrete wall on the east block to ensure privacy.

Pensamientos Residential Complex

Pensamientos 住宅


The Pensamientos house is located on a unique site, and the design strategy of the project is tailored to the situation. The project is a three-storey structure, divided into four houses, each house has a land area of 120㎡, and the floor area varies from 245㎡ to 275㎡. The design of the internal patios is an important expressive element of the project, as they allow the enclosed Spaces to flow and allow light to flow freely into the interior.

Moza’be Restaurant



Moza 'be, a former painting factory converted into a restaurant, has gradually become the area's main culinary landmark. The project is an appropriate intervention, retaining certain elements on the previous basis and strengthening the structure to create new Spaces. A large free area and a central patio form the core of the project, which references the colonial architecture of Oaxaca, making the patio a kind of intermediate space and forming an effective path that creates visual fluidity and emotional connection between each patio.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Espacio 18 Arquitectura

