Corinne Mathern是一位美国加州的室内设计师,于2014年成立了以自己名字命名的设计工作室,主要涉及住宅、商业和酒店项目。除了为自己的设计项目定制家具外,她还推出了一个独立的产品系列,并在当地生产制作。
Corinne Mathern is a California-based interior designer who founded her eponymous design studio in 2014, focusing on residential, commercial and hospitality projects. In addition to custom furniture for her own design projects, she also launched an independent product line, which is manufactured locally.
Corinne Mathern善于将自然的元素引入到设计当中,营造令人感受到平衡、和谐和亲近感的生活环境。其设计作品的独特之处在于以大地色系为主基调,通过不同材料的使用,赋予温暖的质感和视觉的层次,塑造空间的个性。
Corinne Mathern is good at introducing natural elements into her design to create a balanced, harmonious and intimate living environment. The uniqueness of his design works lies in the earth color system as the main tone, through the use of different materials, giving warm texture and visual level, shaping the personality of the space.
Corinne Mathern的灵感切入点总是围绕着艺术品而展开,经常与不同的艺术家合作,并委托他们创作新的作品。因此,她常常在自己的项目中陈列着各种有意义的艺术品或摆件,减少人为的过度干预,使居住者的生活环境愈加趋于宁静。
Corinne Mathern's inspiration always revolves around art, often collaborating with different artists and commissioning them to create new works. Therefore, she often displays a variety of meaningful artworks or ornaments in her projects to reduce excessive human intervention and make the living environment of residents more peaceful.
Therefore, her goal is to shape the right space to improve People's Daily life experience and environment. In her view, the house is the most authentic projection of people's self-spirit, constantly exploring the essential meaning and pure characteristics of the house, and presenting them in the final design.
Corinne Mathern毕业于华盛顿大学,在经营自己的设计工作室之前,她曾是洛杉矶的一个女装、鞋子和配件品牌的创始人及创意总监。
Prior to running her own design studio, Corinne Mathern, a graduate of the University of Washington, was the founder and creative director of a women's, shoe, and accessories brand in Los Angeles.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Corinne Mathern
