Francesc Rifé工作室完成的新项目是将一处百平方米左右的公寓变成一个轻松惬意的居住空间,使单色艺术和陈旧的金属雕塑之间达到某种意义上的平衡,满足艺术家Antonia Ferrer在此过上舒适而简单的生活。住宅以中性色为基调,有利于为每个空间陈列她喜欢的艺术收藏品。
The new project completed by Francesc Rife Studio is to turn an apartment of about 100 square meters into a relaxed living space, to achieve a sense of balance between monochromatic art and old metal sculpture, and to satisfy the artist Antonia Ferrer to live a comfortable and simple life here. The house is based on neutral colors, which facilitates the display of her favorite art collection for each space.

基于原始住宅平面的闭塞,Francesc Rifé采用L型的开放式布局设计,结合建筑外窗,增加采光并引入室外如教堂、街道的城市景观。入口、客厅、餐厅和厨房相互连通,自然光游走期间,被赋予了温暖的空间氛围,而两侧的两间卧室则被有意间隔开,以保证其居住的私密性。
Based on the occlusion of the original house plan, Francesc Rife adopted the L-shaped open layout design, combined with the external Windows of the building, to increase lighting and introduce the outdoor urban landscape such as churches and streets. The entrance, living room, dining room and kitchen are connected to each other, giving the space a warm atmosphere during the natural light flow, while the two bedrooms on either side are intentionally separated to ensure the privacy of their living.


The control of light through blinds plays a key role in the design: in addition to reducing direct sunlight, it also makes the view more poetic, and at the same time radiates a continuous, flexible light and shadow into the interior.


The kitchen, made of stainless steel, not only reflects and absorbs light, but also changes its own hue depending on the time of day. Whether in the passageway, at the entrance or in the master bedroom, the design of the oak panels ensures the integrity and purity of the doors, closets and the entire space. Similarly, the dining table, designed from the same material, is a good example of the building relationship between furniture and space.


The roof of the common areas continues the rhythm of the original building, attempting to transform what was initially understood as a flaw into a virtue. Repeated exercises add texture and character to the project, while the superposition of large longitudinal lights aims to add more emotion to the composition.

Francesc Rifé


室内和工业设计师Francesc RiféSant Sadurní d'Anoia, 1969)于1994年在巴塞罗那创立了自己的设计工作室。受极简主义思潮的影响并延续着传统工艺的建造方法,他的作品有着近乎诚实的材料表达、空间秩序的建构和几何比例的美感。
Interior and industrial designer Francesc Rife (Sant Sadurni d'Anoia, 1969) founded his own design studio in Barcelona in 1994. Influenced by the trend of minimalism and the continuation of traditional craft construction methods, his works are close to the honest expression of materials, the construction of spatial order and the aesthetic of geometric proportions.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Francesc Rifé
