俄罗斯的室内设计师Aleksandr OrlovElena Semenova在求学时相遇,有着同样精神追求的他们,决定一起合作创造生活之美。他们的每个作品都从整体的叙事结构出发,深入理解项目所在地的文化、历史和场地因素等,对他们而言,在接下来的实际工作中,它们有助于形状、颜色、纹理和材料的选择。
Russian interior designers Aleksandr Orlov and Elena Semenova met as students and decided to work together to create beauty in life. Each of their works works from the overall narrative structure, in-depth understanding of the cultural, historical and site factors of the project location, for them, in the next practical work, they contribute to the choice of shape, color, texture and materials.
Yinji:How did you receive the commission for this project?

Aleksandr Orlov这是一位老客户,在此之前我们为他设计了另一套公寓。
Aleksandr Orlov:This is one of our past customer, we did another apartment for him some time ago.

Yinji:What is the size of this project? How much did the final total cost?

Orlov Semenova面积约为83㎡,最终造价约为165.000美元。
Aleksandr Orlov:Size is 83 sq.m. The final cost is about 165.000$

Yinji:Notice that this apartment has a different style from the previous Parents apartment. How do you perceive the designer's design style?

Aleksandr Orlov我们喜欢将这种风格称之为为“纯朴”,是自然材料和自然形体的一种展现。
Orlov Semenova:We like to name this style as “naive”. Natural materials and natural shapes.

Yinji:Which aspects of the design process are the focus of your consideration?
Aleksandr Orlov我们主要考虑空间本身。临近窗户处的室内天花采用圆弧的形体,是为了尽可能多的增加进光量,让空间看起来比设计前更为敞亮。
Aleksandr Orlov:The main consideration is about space. Make it more spacious then it was before renovation. And let in as much light as possible due to the smooth shape of the ceiling.

Yinji:What role do you think artwork plays in residential design, and which artists' works are integrated in this work?

Aleksandr Orlov:融合的艺术家有:川俣忠志(Tadashi Kawamata)——他的作品与我们“纯朴”的自然理念相契合;黛安·德·凯格尔(Diane De Kergal)——她设计的落地灯的灯罩由蚕丝制作而成,体现了自然之美,令人惊叹。
Aleksandr Orlov:Artists at this project: Tadashi Kawamata - his wall works intersect with our naive and natural concept and Diane De Kergal - her floor lamp is stunning in its natural performance. Silkworms make lampshades for her sculptural floor lamps.

Yinji:Did the end result match your expectations?
Aleksandr Orlov基本与预期的一致,室内与人造的外部世界形成了鲜明的对比,它犹如钢筋混凝土丛林中一处舒适的洞穴。唯一缺憾的是,业主没有听从我们的建议使用复古式的软垫家具。
Aleksandr Orlov: The final result met all expectations, this crazy contrast between the natural interior and the artificial exterior of the business center. It turned to cozy cave in a stone-glass jungles. The only thing that upset us was that the customer refused to take vintage upholstered furniture for this project. 

Moscow Apartment Project in the tower “OKO”. This project is situated in the skyscraper of the “Moscow-City” business district, flat is covering a total area of 83 sq.m. The client is a young businessman from the banking sector, with the apartment designed solely for him. The design was inspired by the historical «Kamushki» (“Pebbles”) district, where the business center is now located. There used to be a quarry here in the 19th century. The apartment’s design reflects this history with smooth stone-like shapes, rough wooden textures, dark wall tones.

起居室的最大特点是利用圆弧的天花巧妙地遮住了原始结构上的缺陷,而建筑的柱体则通过木结构的方式将其被与餐桌进行结合。室内布置着一个轻巧的置物架、一张舒适的沙发、来自Galerie Gosserez的由Diane De Kergal设计的落地灯、墙上陈列着川俣忠志(Tadashi Kawamata)的艺术品和一块复古地毯。

The living room features a curved sculptural ceiling that cleverly conceals structural imperfections. A large wooden column hides the main supporting structure of the building, to which the dining table is attached. The kitchen is neatly hidden in a niche. The interior is complemented by a light shelving unit, a cozy sofa, a floor lamp by Diane De Kergal from Galerie Gosserez, Tadashi Kawamata artworks on walls and a vintage rug.


The bedroom is adorned with wooden panels featuring niches for a future collection. A hypoallergenic rug cascades from the wall to the floor, serving as the headboard. The master bathroom is finished with large-format tiles, and the guest bathroom boasts a washbasin carved from a single piece of marble. In the hallway, spacious closets are concealed behind wooden panels.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright Aleksandr Orlov
