Pasquale Cook是一家位于澳大利亚的多学科室内和产品设计工作室,由设计师Sophie Di PasqualeSally Cook共同成立,主要涉及住宅、零售、酒店和商业项目,为客户提供从整体策划、概念设计到家具采购和艺术顾问等一系列的专业服务。
Pasquale Cook is a multidisciplinary interior and product design studio based in Australia, co-founded by designers Sophie Di Pasquale and Sally Cook, working on residential, retail, hospitality and commercial projects. We provide clients with a range of professional services from overall planning and concept design to furniture purchasing and art consulting.

Mirror House


Pasquale Cook采用了中性的基调,在细节设计上进行了恰当地整合与处理,将上世纪90年代的住宅改造成一处梦寐以求的空间,并为其注入了可持续性和永恒性。业主想要一个温暖而简约的居住空间,并对随着时间的推移材料所产生的老化和褪色的物理变化倍感兴趣,于是工作室采用了一系列与空间完美融合地定制式家具和艺术品,通过使用多层次的纹理,将舒适性和温暖感结合起来。
Pasquale Cook uses a neutral tone and the right integration and treatment of details to transform a 1990s home into an aspirational space and infuse it with sustainability and timelessness. The client wanted a warm and simple living space, and was interested in the physical changes of materials that age and fade over time, so the studio adopted a series of custom furniture and artworks that blend perfectly with the space, combining comfort and warmth through the use of multi-layered textures.

Bayside Terrace


Bayside Terrace项目的设计中,Pasquale Cook在选材上表现的富有想象力,并注入了一些巧妙的细节,让住宅变得更具有个性和精致感。品质的材料、柔和的色调和合理地设计干预共同营造出一种温暖、和谐的氛围,提升了居住者的居住与审美体验。
In the design of Bayside Terrace, Pasquale Cook has been imaginative in the selection of materials and injected some clever details to make the house more personal and sophisticated. Quality materials, soft colours and sensible design interventions combine to create a warm and harmonious atmosphere that enhances the living and aesthetic experience of the occupants.

Murray Residence


根据客户的生活方式和需求,Pasquale Cook主要对住宅的后半部分进行了重新布局,使起居室、餐厅和厨房的空间更加宽敞和更具美感。墙壁以柔和的灰色为主,配以色调一致的陶土釉面防溅板,赋予空间一种和谐的舒适感。定制牛皮纸壁灯、深色橡木饰面和编织藤条等触感材料,使优雅和个性贯穿于整个空间,营造了一种亲切感与现代感。
According to the lifestyle and needs of the client, Pasquale Cook mainly rearranged the back half of the house, making the living room, dining room and kitchen Spaces more spacious and aesthetic. The walls are dominated by soft grey, with the same tone of terracotta glazed splash guard, giving the space a harmonious comfort. Tactile materials such as custom kraft paper wall lamps, dark oak finishes and woven rattan weave elegance and character throughout the space, creating a sense of intimacy and modernity.

Pasquale Cook


Pasquale Cook相信空间设计可以通过材料来叙述其本身的故事性,并试图在任何尺度的空间里创造具有温暖、感情和宜居的环境。PC Objects也是这一理念的延伸,成立至今,汇集了来自本地和全球各地的复古的、当代的和定制性的作品。

Pasquale Cook believes that space design can tell its own story through materials, and seeks to create warm, emotional and livable environments in Spaces of any scale. PC Objects is an extension of this philosophy and has been around since, bringing together vintage, contemporary and bespoke works from local and global sources.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer:Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Pasquale Cook

