Decus Interiors是一家总部位于澳大利亚的室内设计工作室,他们的每一个项目都践行着“设计可以对人们的日常生活产生积极的意义和影响”的理念,并在此基础上,不断的尝试寻求精致与原始、创新与经典、朴素与多元之间的平衡关系。

Decus Interiors is an interior design studio based in Australia. Each of their projects practices the concept that design can have a positive impact on People's Daily lives. Based on this, Decus Interiors constantly tries to find a balance between refinement and originality, innovation and classic, simplicity and diversity.

Sherbet House
Sherbet住宅之中融合了饱和的色调,并在材料上做了趣味性的选择。Decus Interiors给它命名为“Tequila Sunrise”,以纪念老鹰乐队的《加州旅馆》。内部的定制家具在形体与色彩上形成了的对比,尤其地毯最为突出,其目的是为了呈现更好的视觉效果。

The Sherbet house incorporates saturated colors and playful choices in materials. Decus Interiors named it "Tequila Sunrise" in honor of the Eagles' Hotel California. The custom furniture inside provides a contrast in form and colour, especially the carpet, which is designed to provide a better visual effect.

Ultramarine是一间精致的现代式住宅,Decus Interiors通过材料和纹理的融合,创造了一个诠释业主喜好的内敛空间,并实现元素与元素之间的微妙对话。客厅里石材的运用补充了原始建筑的肌理,连接着过去与当下,而儿童浴室使用的马赛克、蓝绿色的镜子和俏皮抽屉为空间增添了十足的趣味性。

Ultramarine is a sophisticated contemporary home. Decus Interiors created a restrained space that interprets the owner's preferences and achieves a subtle dialogue between elements through a fusion of materials and textures. The use of stone in the living room complements the texture of the original building, connecting the past with the present, while the Mosaic, turquoise mirrors and playful drawers in the children's bathroom add total interest to the space.

Monsieur G
这座住宅巧妙地运用了光线和色彩,将它们与活泼的色调交织在一起。Decus Interiors根据客户的喜好,在这所房子里使用了许多不同饱和度的绿色,有些是宝石般的绿色,有些则是泥土般的绿色。其中,如化妆室是青翠桉树色调的空间,而厨房的绿色则与珍珠般的灰色相平衡。

The house makes clever use of light and color, interweaving them with lively hues. Decus Interiors used a number of different shades of green in the house, some jewel green and others earthy green, according to clients' preferences. Among them, the powder room, for example, is a space with verdant eucalyptus tones, while the kitchen's greens are balanced with pearly grays.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Decus Interiors
