比利时设计师Nicolas Schuybroek的作品有着宁静、温暖的氛围,并追求纯粹性表达和试图还原生活的本质,被描述为修道士式的简约主义。他通过不同的方式积极地探索空间与材料,进而让人更易于理解他的设计理念:从原始的外在形式到精微的室内细节,无不体现着建筑的精神意义。

The work of Belgian designer Nicolas Schuybroek, with its serene, warm atmosphere and pursuit of pure expression and attempt to restore the essence of life, has been described as monastic minimalism. He actively explores space and materials in different ways, thus making it easier to understand his design philosophy: from the original external form to the subtle interior details, all reflect the spiritual significance of the building.

Vanputlei 35



This comfortable family home is a clever blend with nature, with a clear and concise design and a well-proportioned form. The detailed language of the exterior extends to the interior, blurring the inherent boundaries between interior and exterior. Glass, as one of the main materials of the space, is applied everywhere to bring in plenty of natural light, air and outdoor views, while also visually expanding the space.

HB Townhouse


受欧洲建筑风格尤其是比利时乡村住宅建筑的启发,工作室对HB Townhouse这座有着悠久历史的建筑进行了翻新与改造,将极简主义哲学注入其中,并在意光和质感的表现,构建一种温暖、舒适且宜居的空间氛围和感官体验。

Inspired by European architecture, especially Belgian country house architecture, the studio renovated and transformed HB Townhouse, a historic building, infusing minimalist philosophy with a focus on light and texture to create a warm, comfortable and livable atmosphere and sensory experience.

The house itself, with its original detailed construction and modern elegance, combines elements of the past and the present, and the interior is designed to suit the aesthetic needs of modern living while enhancing the historical level of the space. It is like a luxury hotel that has gone through a legendary history, the precipitation of time makes people instantly calm down, and creates an immersive life scene through tones, textures, and forms.

Aesop Store


Aesop伊索邀请建筑师Nicolas Schuybroek设计了位于里昂共和国广场的第二家旗舰店,与2017年开业的首店有着明显的差异。新店内有充足的自然光、大面积的玻璃窗和难得的层高,室内采用一系列原始的、有质感的、温暖的材料创造出一种与传统形式不同的具有现代性的原始面貌,其肌理随着时间的流逝而产生细微地变化。

Aesop invited architect Nicolas Schuybroek to design its second flagship store on Place de la Republique in Lyon, a marked departure from its first store, which opened in 2017. With plenty of natural light, extensive glazing and a rare height, a series of original, textured and warm materials are used inside to create a modern, original look that differs from traditional forms, the texture of which changes slightly over time.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Nicolas Schuybroek
