Artem Babayants,来自俄罗斯莫斯科,2014年创立了以自己名字命名的设计工作室,希望通过以设计为载体提供一种独特的当代生活方式。主张概念的切入以使用者为主要目标对象,符合当下潮流,关注个性化的硬性需求,从而,提升和改善居住的生活环境。

Artem Babayants, from Moscow, Russia, founded his eponymous design studio in 2014, hoping to provide a unique contemporary lifestyle through design. The concept of user as the main target, in line with the current trend, pay attention to the hard needs of personalized, so as to enhance and improve the living environment.

Body Aesthetics Studio


这间身体美学馆,面积为189平方米。以探索空间流动性、柔软性和感性为目的,Artem Babayants通过一种独特的视觉语言来对其进行演绎。在这空间中,单一色调展现出丰富且强大的表现力,而简单的几何形状、流畅的线条和纹理的有效应用令整个空间变得生动有趣。

This body aesthetics studio has an area of 189 square meters. With the aim of exploring spatial fluidity, softness and sensibility, Artem Babayants interprets it through a unique visual language. In this space, single hues show rich and powerful expression, while the effective application of simple geometric shapes, flowing lines and textures makes the whole space lively and interesting.

Savvin River Residence


Savvin River 住宅,坐落在俄罗斯莫斯科的市中心,是一间配置大型私人露台的住宅。住宅内部形成了一种柔和的对比,其结构的线条有着完美且精确的比例,同时展现出柔和且流畅的视觉感受。Artem Babayants采用了木材的温润肌理,赋予厨房和墙壁一种清新的色调,与艺术形式的餐厅组合提升了整体的空间审美。

Savvin River Residence, located in the heart of Moscow, Russia, is a Residence with a large private terrace. The interior of the house is a soft contrast, the lines of the structure are perfectly and precisely proportioned, while at the same time presenting a soft and fluid visual feeling. Artem Babayants uses the warm texture of wood to give the kitchen and walls a fresh tone, and the combination with the art form of the dining room enhances the overall space aesthetic.

Gorohovskiy Residence


Gorohovskiy 住宅,是一间面积为115平方米的私人住宅,它被Artem Babayants称之为“一个有趣的对象”。住宅最大的特色是凭借大量的落地窗,增加室内外的互动以及为室内提供足够的通风和采光。由于住宅综合体被许多的历史建筑和绿色植物围合,所以这些窗户可以被完全的打开,满足居住者的隐私需求。

Gorohovskiy Residence, a private Residence with an area of 115 square meters, was described by Artem Babayants as "an interesting object". The main feature of the house is the large number of floor-to-ceiling Windows, which increase the interaction between interior and exterior and provide adequate ventilation and lighting for the interior. As the residential complex is surrounded by many historic buildings and greenery, these Windows can be fully opened to satisfy the privacy needs of the occupants.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Artem Babayants

