Suppose Design是一家位于日本东京的室内设计工作室,由Tanijiri Makoto(谷尻誠)和Ai Yoshida(吉田愛)联合成立于2000年。坚持“在任何情况下,设计都应该回归本质,只有不断思考,才能避免自我迷失。”这是他们从业以来始终如一的践行准则和纯粹理念。
Suppose Design is an interior design studio based in Tokyo, Japan, founded in 2000 by Tanijiri Makoto (Makoto) and Ai Yoshida (Ai). Insist that "in any case, design should return to the essence, only by constantly thinking, to avoid self-loss." This is their consistent practice and pure philosophy.

Daichi Isumi House


当你站立于无垠之地,自然会产生一种心旷神怡的感觉,而“如何在广阔的空间里通过建筑载体构建出接近自然体验的场景”成为了Suppose Design思考的重点。这也促成了Daichi Isumi住宅的诞生,它坐落在一片自然所环绕的场地中,室内安装了能够抵御各种气候的节能系统和暖通设备。
When you stand in the boundless land, it will naturally produce a feeling of relaxation and happiness, and "how to construct a scene close to natural experience in the vast space through the architectural carrier" has become the focus of Suppose Design's thinking. This led to the Daichi Isumi House, which is situated on a site surrounded by nature and is equipped with energy saving systems and HVAC equipment that can withstand all kinds of climate.

House In Ota


In Ota住宅位于城市景观和自然山脉之间,是为一对夫妇和他们的母亲所设计的。住宅的平面布局将日本园林中“封闭和开放的景观”概念融入到建筑中,建构了五个独立的空间体量,并由独特的三角墙所划分,既分割又具备连接的功能,每一间卧室都拥有绝佳的观景视野。
Nestled between the urban landscape and the natural mountains, the house In Ota was designed for a couple and their mother. The floor plan of the house incorporates the concept of "closed and open landscape" in the Japanese garden, creating five separate volumes divided by unique gable walls that both divide and connect, with views from each bedroom.

Not A Hotel Nasu Masterpiece


Not A Hotel Nasu Masterpiece是一个将住房和酒店功能相结合的项目。虽然在建设过程中,设计与实际使用的材料存着一定的差异,但它们有一个共同的原则,则是在不被壮丽的自然景观喧宾夺主的前提下,从而更好地与周围的自然景观融为一体。为了营造这种接近自然的“释放感”,Suppose Design利用墙体和屋顶的建立来围合内部空间。
Not A Hotel Nasu Masterpiece is a project that combines housing and hotel functions. Although there are some differences between the design and the actual materials used in the construction process, they share a common principle, which is to better integrate with the surrounding natural landscape without being overwhelmed by the magnificent natural landscape. To create this "sense of release" close to nature, Suppose Design uses the creation of walls and roofs to enclose the interior Spaces.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Suppose Design
