Child Studio是一家总部位于伦敦的室内设计工作室,由设计师Chieh HuangAlexey Kostikov共同成立,主要服务于酒店、零售和住宅等领域设计。他们的作品融合了产品设计、空间功用、艺术趣味和摄影美学,创造了电影般沉浸式的视觉体验与情感叙事。

Child Studio is a London-based interior design studio founded by designers Chieh Huang and Alexey Kostikov that specializes in hospitality, retail and residential design. Their works combine product design, spatial function, artistic interest and photography aesthetics to create a movie-like immersive visual experience and emotional narrative.

Grosvenor Square


尺度阔绰的Grosvenor Square休息室隐藏于伦敦市的Mayfair区中心,坐落在一处历史悠久的庭院之中。Child Studio利用巧妙的设计方式平衡了装饰艺术与60年代至70年代的现代主义审美,在线性自然光的晕染下,起伏有致的壁炉被作为空间的视觉焦点而令人印象深刻。

The spacious Grosvenor Square lounge is tucked away in a historic courtyard in the heart of London's Mayfair district. Child Studio's artfully designed approach balances art Deco with the modernist aesthetic of the '60s and' 70s, with the undulating fireplace impressing as the visual focal point of the space, bathed in linear natural light.

Cubitts Eyewear Store


这是一家由19世纪的联排别墅改造而成的眼镜店,旗舰店位于建筑的地下室和一层,设计灵感来源于Cubitts镜架的现代主义美学和Belgravia社区悠久的历史。正因如此,Child Studio试图建立一个图层式的结构叙事,并将建筑历史与品牌的现代主义精神联系起来。

A converted 19th-century townhouse, the flagship store is located in the basement and first floor of the building, inspired by the modernist aesthetics of Cubitts frames and the long history of the Belgravia neighborhood. As such, Child Studio sought to create a layered structural narrative and to connect the architectural history with the brand's modernist ethos.

Victoria Quarter
Victoria Quarter是英国眼镜品牌Cubitts在一座受到保护的维多利亚式购物中心内开设的一家新的旗舰店,空间的怀旧氛围展示出其对英格兰北部文化遗产的敬意。Child Studio通过独立的叙述方式展现了建筑历史中的不同章节,同时采用真实的故事作为设计内核,其目的在于创造出有着特殊意义的永恒空间。

Victoria Quarter is a new flagship store for British eyewear brand Cubitts in a protected Victorian shopping centre, with a nostalgic atmosphere that pays homage to the cultural heritage of northern England. Child Studio presents the different chapters of the building's history in an independent narrative, while using a real story as the core of the design, with the aim of creating a timeless space with a special meaning.

Maido Sushi Restaurant

Maido is a contemporary Japanese sushi restaurant that was converted from an abandoned local post office. The modernist building is located in St John's Wood, near the famous Abbey Road intersection. The human history of the place provides a rich source of inspiration for the designers, and the interior of the restaurant is a clever fusion of European and Japanese aesthetic styles.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Child Studio
