Mulberry Square Townhouse是一座拥有五间卧室的联排别墅,占地10,000平方英尺,Banda PropertyChelsea Barracks作为伦敦最重要的英国军队驻地之一的悠久历史以及从自然和迄今为止参与该驻地建造的工匠那里汲取灵感。秉承“为生活而设计”的普世价值观,不受传统因素的限制,设计出这个优雅的和功能齐全的聚会场所。
Mulberry Square Townhouse is a five-bedroom townhouse on 10,000 square feet, Banda Property draws inspiration from Chelsea Barracks' long history as one of the most important British Army sites in London, as well as from nature and the artisans who have been involved in the site's construction to date. Adhering to the universal values of "design for life", this elegant and functional gathering place is not limited by traditional factors.

When people walk in it, they will feel an unprecedented peace; The fresh earth color and texture harmoniously pull them away from their busy lives. Some of the asymmetrical layout of modern furniture creates a new view, and with the space in the context of the interesting, produce an indescribable sense of pleasure. Antiques, vintage accessories and furniture bridge the gap between contemporary and traditional features, revealing the owner's lifelong collection in its entirety.

错落有致的大理石地面铺贴标志着访客到达了住宅的中心区域,站立于此处能够将整个的空间尽收眼底。正式的用餐区和起居空间是Banda Property内在精神的体现,这里不仅是日常的生活空间,也是体现“爱与被爱”的空间。
A patchwork of marble flooring marks the arrival of the visitor at the centre of the house, where the entire space can be seen from a standing position. The formal dining area and living space are the embodiment of the inner spirit of Banda Property, which is not only a daily living space, but also a space to "love and be loved".

The custom-made double-sided curved sofa, dining table and round corrugate-backed seating provide the perfect event space for regular gatherings. The kitchen is both functional and dignified, with custom cabinetry inlaid with white marble and integrated appliances. Double folding doors open to a private Mediteranean-style garden with natural views outside.

The master suite is located on the second floor. The sleeping area features simple monastic colors, lime walls and a queen bed of noble dimensions, creating a private palatial lounge space for the owner and two separate dressing rooms as required. The second bedroom is located on the third floor, and each bedroom has an en suite bathroom and a unique aesthetic taste in style.

Banda Property


Banda Property是一家总部位于伦敦的多元化地产开发公司,业务涵盖世界各地的房地产事务合作、开发、项目管理、建筑以及室内设计。虽然每个项目都有着独一无二的特质,但它们蕴含着“努力创造既美好又适宜的环境”的共同理念。

Banda Property is a diversified property development company based in London, covering real estate partnerships, development, project management, architecture and interior design around the world. Although each project has its own unique characteristics, they share a common philosophy of "striving to create an environment that is both beautiful and suitable".

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Banda Property

