Bone Studio是一家位于阿联酋的建筑和室内设计工作室,由设计师Achraf MzilyNatalie Mahakian共同创立于2018年。他们的项目鲜有过多的元素,希望通过基本的形式语言来体现最真实的空间,并致力于构思建筑的形态、感官的物质性和质朴的建造细节来激发空间之间的对话。
Bone Studio is an architecture and interior design studio based in the United Arab Emirates, co-founded in 2018 by designers Achraf Mzily and Natalie Mahakian. Their project, with few elements, aims to embody the most authentic space through the basic formal language, and strives to conceive the form of the building, the sensuous materiality and the rustic construction details to stimulate the dialogue between the Spaces.

Erth Restaurant


Erth是一家位于Qasr Al Hosn的沉浸式体验餐厅,旨在向阿联酋古老的烹饪方式和既谦逊又慷慨的人文习俗表示致敬。阿联酋人制作美食时的烹饪流程指导着空间的设计策略,并在其中发挥着重要作用,因为它有助于重新解释传统餐厅存在的非凡意义,从而适应他们烹饪的动态特性。
Erth is an immersive restaurant in Qasr Al Hosn that pays homage to the UAE's ancient cuisine and cultural customs that are both humble and generous. The culinary process in which Emiratis make their food guides the design strategy of the space and plays an important role in it, as it helps to reinterpret the extraordinary significance of the existence of traditional restaurants, thus adapting to the dynamic nature of their cooking.

Terra Restaurant Al Qana


Terra Restaurant Al Qana完美地诠释了该品牌独特的文化背景,同时巧妙地融入了当地居民所构建的社区生态。原始场地的三角形布局为建筑师带来了挑战,最终提供了一个与三条边的其中之一平行的解决方案。这种布局使得有着雕塑般体量中的开放空间之间交错排列,使就餐空间与厨房和谐地融合在一起。
Terra Restaurant Al Qana perfectly interprets the brand's unique cultural context, while cleverly integrating into the community built by local residents. The triangular layout of the original site posed a challenge for the architects, ultimately providing a solution that ran parallel to one of the three sides. The layout allows open Spaces with sculptural volumes to be staggered, harmoniously blending the dining space with the kitchen.

Momaz Cafe


位于阿曼首都的咖啡馆Momaz,以沙漠的土黄色为基调来呼应地域的自然特征,这种色调在Bone Studio的项目中普遍使用,营造出一种独特的和谐感,使客人感受到“家”一般的温馨氛围。建筑师希望建立不同形式的社交场景和互动方式,最终于功能和美学的双重意义上重新定义空间。
At Momaz, a cafe in Oman's capital city, the desert's earthen yellow tone echoes the natural character of the region. This tone is used throughout Bone Studio's projects, creating a unique sense of harmony that makes guests feel "at home". The architects wanted to create different forms of social scenes and interactions, ultimately redefining the space in both a functional and aesthetic sense.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Bone Studio
