Gachot Studios是一家位于纽约的室内设计工作室,由设计师Christine Gachot和她的丈夫John创立于2012年,是一个以服务为核心原则的创意团队。他们结合了传统工艺与现代技术,旨在打造具有精致美感和表现在地性的作品。每个项目都被视为一种独特的表达,而不仅是流于表面的美学样式。
Gachot Studios is a New York-based interior design studio founded in 2012 by designer Christine Gachot and her husband John as a creative team with service as its core principle. They combine traditional craftsmanship with modern technology, aiming to create works with exquisite beauty and local expression. Each project is seen as a unique expression, not just a superficial aesthetic carrier.

Upper West Side Apartment


这座位于曼哈顿上西区的经典住宅保留了建筑的战前遗产特征。Gachot Studios基于对现代主义的更新原则和对宁静氛围的把握,并将客户对通风的需求及加利福尼亚风格的特殊品味进行完美地结合,创造了这间传统与现代交织的舒适性住宅,以满足业主的审美情趣和日常生活的需要。
This classic home on Manhattan's Upper West Side retains the building's pre-war heritage character. Gachot Studios combines the client's need for ventilation with a special taste for Californian style to create a comfortable home that blends tradition and modernity to meet the owner's aesthetic and daily needs.

Maine Waterfront Home



The house is just under two square miles on an island near Portland, next to a nature reserve and with great views of Casco Bay. The owners wanted the space to feel both homey and personal, and they wanted to differentiate each room by some unique element, color, texture or fabric. As a result, the central dining room, living room and kitchen are linked in an interesting way, while each bedroom is oriented to take full advantage of the natural landscape outside.

Pebble Bar


这栋始建于19世纪70年代的石板灰的四层砖砌联排别墅坐落于高楼之间,犹如一块被巨石围绕的鹅卵石。如今,经过Gachot Studios的改造,成为了一间独具特色的酒吧,其设计既尊重了该建筑原来的历史,又重新激发了空间的社交意识,并营造出温馨的、宜人的氛围与曼哈顿中城的经典式精致风格融为一体。
Built in the 1870s, this four-story SLATE gray brick townhouse sits among the tall buildings like a pebble surrounded by boulders. Now transformed by Gachot Studios into a unique bar, the design respects the building's original history while reinvigorating the space's social consciousness and creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere that blends with the classic sophistication of Midtown Manhattan.

Gachot Studios

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Gachot Studios
