Andre Mellone,出生巴西,成长于艺术之家,自幼对绘画、艺术、设计有着浓烈的兴趣,尤其是上世纪开始盛行的现代主义风格对其影响深刻,现居住于纽约。他曾就职于多家著名的设计事务所,在2012年成立自己的工作室,主要涉及私人住宅、商业零售和产品设计等领域。
Andre Mellone was born in Brazil and grew up in an art family. Since his childhood, he has had a strong interest in painting, art and design, especially the modernism style that has prevailed since the last century. He now lives in New York. He has worked for several prestigious design firms before setting up his own studio in 2012, focusing on private residential, commercial retail and product design.

200 Amsterdam


200 Amsterdam复式住宅位于一座建筑的顶层,如何让这个6000多平方英尺的大型空间,成为经典和更具文脉性成为了设计的关键。360°的全景客厅可以欣赏曼哈顿城市景观,而其中现代或复古的家具和装饰品共同在室内创造了一种永恒的审美观念。
200 Amsterdam Duplex House is located on the top floor of a building, how to make this large space of more than 6,000 square feet, classic and more contextual was the key to the design. The 360-degree panoramic living room offers views of the Manhattan city, while modern or vintage furniture and decorations work together to create a timeless aesthetic in the interior.

Jardim Chelsea


Jardim Chelsea住宅受到新古典主义和传统的影响,最终构建了具有现代性的、精致审美的视觉体验。Andre Mellone通过使用定制化组合家具来创造亲密的家居氛围,同时采用大型的地毯和油画来界定就餐区,进而使座位区变得更加清晰明了,其目的旨在为大尺度的开放空间增加温度和舒适感。
The Jardim Chelsea house is influenced by neoclassicism and tradition, and ultimately builds a visual experience that is modern and aesthetically refined. Andre Mellone used custom built-up furniture to create an intimate home atmosphere, while using large rugs and paintings to define the dining area and further clarify the seating area, with the aim of adding warmth and comfort to the large scale open space.

Metal Shutter House


Andre Mellone认为,“素描”能在视觉上激发意想不到的灵感,在Metal Shutter住宅的立面可以看到他一些早期的素描作品,他说:“为了使项目取得不一样的效果,那么我需要通过画画来给它赋予灵魂。”新公寓的墙壁被漆成沙丘白,窗户可以通过折叠的方式为室内提供新鲜空气,其中一张摆放在卧室一角的复古绘图桌显得独特又耐人寻味。
Andre Mellone believes that sketchmaking can be visually inspiring, and some of his early drawings can be seen on the facade of the Metal Shutter. "In order for a project to have a different effect, I needed to give it a soul by drawing," Mellone says. The walls of the new apartment are painted sand dune white, Windows fold up to provide fresh air, and a vintage drafting table in one corner of the bedroom is unique and intriguing.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Andre Mellone
