Nielsen Jenkins是一家屡获殊荣的建筑设计事务所,位于澳大利亚布里斯班。他们将探索景观、克制、联系和材料等关键性的设计命题,以实现客户的特殊要求,并对回应场地环境。无论是住宅、商业建筑还是到家具的设计制作,这些探索构成了他们所有作品的理论基础。

Nielsen Jenkins is an award-winning architectural design firm based in Brisbane, Australia. They will explore key design propositions such as landscape, restraint, connection and materials to achieve the client's specific requirements and respond to the site environment. These explorations form the theoretical basis of all their work, whether in the design and manufacture of residential and commercial buildings or furniture.

Merricks农舍位于一处山顶,占地50英亩,具有俯瞰大海的绝佳视野,由Michael LumbyNielsen Jenkins合作设计。虽然大部分时间只有业主夫妇二人居住,但他们希望这座房子能够成为一间理想的度假小屋。
Merricks Farmhouse is located on a hilltop, 50 acres with stunning views of the sea and was designed by Michael Lumby and Nielsen Jenkins. Although it was mostly just the couple, they hoped the house would be an ideal holiday cottage.

Taking into account the existing environmental conditions, the coastal climate and the romantic ambience of the farmhouse, the family home is combined with a country garden paved with stone and lush vegetation to create an elegant and comfortable living space.

Inspired by Australian farmhouse and South African brick architecture, the layout of the interior Spaces is strategically planned according to usage, with four suites located at the rear of the less used farmhouse; The main Spaces, such as the bedroom, living room and dining room, are mainly located near the coastal area so as to enjoy unlimited sea views.

In order to explain the charming charm of the farmhouse, the concrete material that sets the main tone and the dark wood work together to create an organic drama. Wood elements on the floor and maroon furniture create a warm atmosphere, while black lines on the door frame create a modern feel. The dark wooden ceilings, influenced by the deep eaves, combine with the narrow skylights to add deep shadows to the building.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Nielsen Jenkins
