近日,Francesc Rifé带来了他的最新作品:Scalpers Sevilla。这是Scalpers品牌旗下的新店,位于该品牌的诞生地——安达卢西亚首府,此地周围遍布乡村建筑,同时毗邻这座城市最具革新意识的当代性地标之一的位于Encarnación广场上由Jürgen Mayer设计的“Las setas”。这种强烈的反差,激发了设计师的灵感,打造出传统和现代完美融合的新空间。

Recently, Francesc Rife brought his latest work, Scalpers Sevilla. The new Scalpers flagship store is located in the brand's birthplace, the capital of Andalusia, surrounded by vernacular architecture and adjacent to one of the city's most transformative contemporary landmarks, the Jurgen Mayer designed "Las setas" on Encarnacion Square. This strong contrast has inspired the designer to create the latest pieces that perfectly blend traditional and modern elements.


After a reasonable spatial layout, the first floor is the men's wear area, the second floor is the women's and children's wear area, and the top floor is the high definition area. In a way, the design deconstructs the brand logo, which is represented by a skull and two calves, and forms a new spatial concept. The skull is represented by a large, round stainless steel frame; The two "lower legs" on the first floor are interpreted through elongated ovals to form a unique exhibition area. Crafted from unique steel, they not only introduce urban elements but, like the brand itself, seek to establish a dialogue between practicality and rebellion.


The metal structure provides a versatile solution for hanging and displaying clothing and housing a variety of small equipment such as moving mirrors. They also hide the original building columns, allowing the large steel columns to become a striking visual focus. The floors and facades are made of warm grey micro-cement combined with Hungarian dot oak to organize the materials of the specific space into a more complex expressive system.


In the building, a U-shaped staircase becomes an important part of the space, and a panoramic elevator is configured to serve as the main transportation link between the floors. In addition, screens are strategically placed to display the brand's latest advertisements and activities, enhancing the customer's shopping experience.


Lighting design plays an important role in the project. Custom light fixtures made from the same unique steel used in the project contain multiple leds that span the first and second floors to create a modern atmosphere. In the high definition area, a more classic approach is taken to provide general lighting through downlights, leds integrated on shelves and custom spotlights. Here, comfortable sofas and armchairs make the scene more like a home. Two very different narratives, presenting a new visual experience for shoppers.

Francesc Rifé



Exclusive Interview


Yinji: What are the methods to introduce the source of design inspiration?

Francesc Rifé就像之前在讲座中所提到的,我认为进化比革新更重要,所以说每个作品它自身就构成一种非常统一的对话,也有一种递进的关系。具体要说在哪里获得灵感,我觉得当下社会人们都会选择去旅行,途中你会碰到不同地方的人,遇见不同的事物,它们都有自己的风格,这些都能成为你的灵感来源。也就是每一天你接触的所有事物均有可能成为你的设计灵感。
Francesc Rifé: As he said in the lecture before, he believes that evolution is more important than revolution, so each of your works is a very unified dialogue in itself, and there is also a kind of communication between them. Echoing of Jin. Specifically, where to get inspiration, everyone in today's society will travel. During the trip, you will get people from different places and things in different places. People or designers in all places have their own design styles, and these styles are also you. Source of inspiration. That is, the things you touch every day can be your source of inspiration.


There is also the capture of inspiration between colleagues in the studio. We have been established for many years, and we have an emotional exchange or stimulation with each other. There are also history, culture, and books. All these sources of information are our sources of inspiration. The key lies in how to capture and form a system.


Yinji: Does the commercial space need to consider more business logic for selling goods?

Francesc Rifé:目前,商业趋于线上化的趋势,这对线下品牌店的设计提出了更高的要求。因为顾客会因为线下的空间设计形成对品牌的看法。在我看来,无论什么产品的销售,品牌形象是最重要的,你的品牌一定要具有可识别度,同时要具有鲜明特征,才能让顾客印象深刻。
Francesc Rifé: At present, there is an online trend in business, so it puts forward better requirements for the design of offline brand stores. Because customers will form their views on the brand because of the design of the offline store. In my opinion, no matter what you sell, brand image is the most important thing. Your brand must be recognizable and have some characteristics that make customers remember you all at once.


Every company has its own brand philosophy, so the design of every store should be designed in accordance with the company's own concept. Only strategic considerations can make the brand stand out in such a rapidly changing world. After all, image is very powerful in modern society. It can promote the growth and maintenance of sales, and it can also promote online sales.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Francesc Rifé
