Rees Roberts + Partners是纽约一家屡获殊荣的室内和景观设计事务所,在Steven Harris Architects的基础上于2007年重新创建,并赋予其独特的形象与身份。他们对于建筑的发展以及走向有着全面的了解,同时能根据客户的实际情况和生活方式的不同而进行定制化的设计,追求艺术氛围、光影的变化与室内外景观的互动,创造出既具有场地环境特色又有着分明个性的空间。

Rees Roberts + Partners is an award-winning interior and landscape architecture firm based in New York City that was re-created in 2007 by Steven Harris Architects, giving it a unique image and identity. They have a comprehensive understanding of the development and direction of the building, and at the same time, they can customize the design according to the actual situation and different lifestyles of customers, pursue the interaction of artistic atmosphere, light and shadow changes and indoor and outdoor landscapes, and create a space with both site environmental characteristics and distinct personalities.


Bridgehampton Beach Villa is located in a vast area, even within the same domain to construct several very different spatial experiences. It balances the concepts of "floating" and "solid", interpreting the relationship between sea and land through tactile and contrasting materials. As a place away from the hustle and bustle of the city and isolated from the outside world, well in the premise of ensuring privacy, the sight of the occupants to the endless sea.

The studio injects a sustained and artistic consideration of the site environment into the building, making the natural landscape and views of the sea a consistent theme throughout the interior and exterior. The building is designed to evoke tranquility despite its proximity to the sea, and with the possibility of harsh environments and corrosivity in mind, the architects used durable materials, Marine elements and outdoor transitional protective Spaces to ensure that the house can withstand all kinds of natural disasters.

建筑是对自然的一种赞美,Steven Harris ArchitectsRees Roberts + Partners将建筑和室内结合在一起,建立住宅空间与自然环境之间的联系,也体现了对场地的尊重。建筑主体被划为几个部分,以主要活动空间为切入,而轻盈的、高耸的建筑形式则喻示着水的流动性,该结构优化了与地下泳池的连接方式,并重新组织了过去传统的泳池房屋和凉棚,使其有机地融入到场地中。
Architecture is a celebration of nature, and Steven Harris Architects and Rees Roberts + Partners have brought the building and interior together to create a connection between the residential space and the natural environment, as well as a respect for the site. The main body of the building is divided into several sections, with the main event space as the cutting point, while the light, towering form of the building symbolizes the flow of water. The structure optimizes the connection with the underground pool and reorganizes the traditional pool house and pergola into the site organically.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright Rees Roberts + Partners
