Felipe Hess是一位来自巴西的建筑师,于2012年在圣保罗创立了自己同名的建筑设计工作室。这个由一群年轻人所组成的设计团队,始终致力于呈现项目真实的身份以及对细节、装饰和构造的深入探索与研究。

Felipe Hess is a Brazilian architect who founded his eponymous architectural design studio in Sao Paulo in 2012. The design team, composed of a group of young people, has always been committed to presenting the true identity of the project and the in-depth exploration and research of details, decoration and construction.

他们认为项目的完整性包括了从家具设计到建筑整体的不同领域的设计,基于这一理念,Felipe Hess在不同学科之间开展工作:从建筑外观到室内空间;从前期的概念、专业的设计服务到建造过程中技术性解决方案提供等。
They believe that the integrity of the project includes the design of different fields, from furniture design to the architecture as a whole, and based on this philosophy, Felipe Hess works between different disciplines: from the exterior of the building to the interior space; From the early concept, professional design services to technical solutions during the construction process.

For them, regardless of the size or nature of the project, the relationship between materiality and spatiality needs to be explored through sketches, models, 3D representations and various detailed designs to avoid large discrepancies or reduce uncontrollable factors in the implementation of the project.


When designing ideas, the firm is constantly looking for new solutions and demonstrating the team's phased achievements in the research of materials. Through unique elements of expression, and based on the principle of identity and objective needs of the client, each work they produce becomes a unique existence.

“家是反映业主及其个性的场所,而非建筑师个人的意志表达”。——Felipe Hess
“Home is a place that reflects the owners and their personality, and not the architect’s desires.” –Felipe Hess

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校对 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Felipe Hess
