Walker Warner Architects是一家总部位于美国旧金山的建筑事务所,由创始人Brooks WalkerGreg Warner共同成立于1989年,专注于私人住宅和房地产相关的整体设计业务。事务所希望通过建筑的形式给生活创造更多的灵感,同时认为建筑应该是富有表现力和永恒的,以及与场地的自然环境完美融合的。
Walker Warner Architects is a SAN Francisco-based architecture firm founded in 1989 by founders Brooks Walker and Greg Warner with a full-service focus on custom residential and real estate design. The firm creates lasting buildings for "inspired living", which they believe should be expressive and timeless, and in harmony with the natural beauty of the site.

Kona Village



Combining tradition and innovation, the Kona Resort is a popular resort located at the intersection of lava fields and the coastline. With the advancement of technology and the improvement of people's aesthetics, the enduring "site energy" here has been fully protected and reflected in the concrete architecture. In harmony with the natural landscape, guests can experience the typical Hawaiian island style.

The chalets are distributed throughout the resort and are arranged to follow the outline of the lawn or waterfront, thereby enhancing the spirit of collaboration and camping fun of the group. The cottage rests lightly on the ground, reducing interference with the surrounding landscape; The thatched roof, crafted from recycled plastic, is both traditional and sustainable. The earthy color of the textured siding is reminiscent of a fallen coconut shell, while the rich wood reinforces the image, paying homage to a historical feature originally formed in 1965.

Minimalist Hawaiian Home


这座极简主义式的夏威夷住宅是为一对有着两个孩子的加州夫妇所设计。此地曾是熔岩从Mauka山到达Makai海的流经之路,如今生长着距今千年的Kiawe。为了体现业主印度的文化背景——对Vastu Shastra的热爱,这是一门基于自然能量的古老印度的建筑科学。于是,在设计的过程中,当地环境和过去的传统都成为了主要的灵感来源。

This minimalist Hawaiian home was designed for a California couple with two children. The area used to be the path of lava from Mount Mauka to the Makai Sea, and now there are Kiawe trees that date back thousands of years. In order to reflect the owner's Indian cultural background - love of Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science based on natural energy. As a result, the local environment and traditions of the past became the main sources of inspiration during the design process.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Walker Warner
