Patricia Bustos是一家位于西班牙的室内设计工作室,旨在塑造独具巧思的作品,并通过“创意”和“美学”的探索,来激发它们潜藏的内在价值。正是这种对审美的追求和独到见解,以及接受来自优秀设计的启发和对未来的畅想,促使他们在私宅、酒店、餐厅和商业等领域渐入佳境。

Patricia Bustos is an interior design studio based in Spain that aims to create ingenious pieces and to inspire their inherent value through the exploration of "creativity" and "aesthetics". It is this aesthetic pursuit and unique insight, as well as being inspired by good design and thinking about the future, that has led them to excel in private homes, hotels, restaurants and businesses.

Studio An Be



In conjunction with the circular venue environment, the new brand concept store incorporates circular symbols to create a sense of internal harmony, making the clothing the protagonist of the space. Arched partitions, natural stone, concrete blocks, terra cotta and sandstone are used to create a timeless space with an original aesthetic. Here, architecture and clothing engage in dialogue and interaction, describing the transformational relationship between tradition and innovation.

Casa Wander


有着400㎡面积的创意型办公空间Casa Wander,其构思从整体的角度出发,以多学科的工作方法和轻松氛围的塑造来打破人们对既定场所的刻板印象,旨在鼓励创新和创意的交流与碰撞,并引导着使用者通过基于人类共同价值观来体现核心的创造力,同时回应自然的回归,并激发关于材料和色彩的灵感。

Casa Wander, a creative office space with an area of 400 square meters, is conceived from a holistic perspective, with a multidisciplinary approach to work and a relaxed atmosphere to break the stereotypes of established places, to encourage the exchange and collision of innovation and creativity, and to guide users to embody core creativity based on common human values. It also responds to the return of nature and inspires ideas about materials and colors.

Casa Decor Tacto Sereno


Tacto Sereno提出了一种新的概念,使美观与功能融为一体,并唤醒人们的基本知觉:触觉。为了强调手工艺的魅力,家具、立面和有机形状的内饰都由当地工匠使用藤条、大理石、陶瓷或砖块等天然材料手工制作而成。对她而言,手工制作的不完美之处、细微差别、特色和身份等因素让每件作品都变得独一无二,如同构思和创造出它的匠人一样。

Tacto Sereno proposes a new concept that merges beauty with function and awakens the basic sense of touch. To emphasize the charm of craftsmanship, furniture, facades and organically shaped interiors are handmade by local artisans using natural materials such as rattan, marble, ceramics or bricks. For her, handmade imperfections, nuances, character and identity make each piece as unique as the craftsman who conceived and created it.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Patricia Bustos
