Eastop Architects,是一家位于澳大利亚墨尔本的建筑和室内设计工作室,由Liam Eastop成立于2017年。工作室将建筑的物理性质和情感体验作为设计的核心,通过清晰的建造、形式、光线、肌理和几何体量,以及室内和景观之间的协调对话来构建每个项目,以创造一种舒适的居住体验。
Eastop Architects, an architecture and interior design studio based in Melbourne, Australia, was founded by Liam Eastop in 2017. Placing the physical nature and emotional experience of the building at the heart of the design, the studio constructs each project through clear construction, form, light, texture and geometric volume, as well as a harmonious dialogue between interior and landscape, to create a comfortable living experience.

建筑师Liam Eastop,毕业于蒙纳士大学(Monash University),获得了建筑学硕士学位和Roderick Macdonald 奖学金,之后,长期在墨尔本大学和Monash大学任教。他擅长于住宅、商业等设计和城市规划,并积累了丰富的项目经验,且作品曾多次获奖。
Liam Eastop, architect, graduated from Monash University with a Master's degree in Architecture and a Roderick Macdonald Scholarship. After that, he taught for a long time at the University of Melbourne and Monash University. He is good at residential, commercial design and urban planning, and has accumulated rich project experience, and his works have won many awards.

材料对Eastop Architects来说,是重要的表现元素,强调其在地性、可持续性和空间的整体协调性,在他们的设计作品里,总是能体验到一种“精致而不堆砌、现代而不夸张、平和而又不失细节”的克制美学,通常以混凝土原始的表皮肌理和单一色调来建构“现代而又永恒”的审美标准和建筑精神。
Materials are important expressive elements for Eastop Architects, emphasizing their locality, sustainability and overall coordination of space. In their design works, they can always experience a restrained aesthetic of "exquisite but not piled up, modern but not exaggerated, peaceful but without losing details". The primitive skin texture and single tone of concrete are used to construct the aesthetic standard and architectural spirit of "modern and eternal".

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Eastop Architects

