COA Arquitectura是一家位于墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉的建筑事务所,由建筑师Francisco Gutiérrez Peregrina成立于2013年。他们希望在项目地的传统中形成对当下生活和建筑本质的思考,并把它理解成一个具有象征、表达、触动和令人感到兴奋的空间语境,同时发挥积极的作用,服务于不同的使用者。

COA Arquitectura is an architectural practice based in Guadalajara, Mexico, founded in 2013 by architect Francisco Gutierrez Peregrina. They hope to form a reflection on the nature of current life and architecture in the tradition of the project site, and to understand it as a symbolic, expressive, touching and exciting spatial context, while playing a positive role in serving different users.

Based on the uniqueness of the project, the firm takes the site history, existing conditions, the relationship with residents and the construction process as the main entry point of work. Through modern design techniques, the building is endowed with the value attribute of history or heritage, and at the same time, the contact and interaction between people and buildings are pursued. Make regional materials, architectural forms, and natural landscapes open a subtle dialogue in contemporary semantics.

对于COA Arquitectura来说,构思与建造并行,因此,设计体系和材料选择无不构成项目的基础。以最优的方案利用现有的场地资源,并在建造过程中不断完善细节,将行为标准置于美学之前,后者更多的是作为一种结果而非目标。于是,他们通过建筑的媒介找到了一种合适的对话方式:向外与他人对话,向内与自己对话。
For COA Arquitectura, conception and construction go hand in hand, so the design system and the choice of materials form the basis of the project. Using existing site resources in the best possible way and refining the details during construction puts standards of behavior before aesthetics, which is more of an outcome than a goal. So, through the medium of architecture, they found a suitable way of dialogue: outward dialogue with others, inward dialogue with themselves.

Francisco Gutiérrez Peregrina时常反思道:“我们有必要地问问自己,建造意味着什么?我们如何赋予建筑以秩序和尺度,使一切得以清晰、明确?我们依靠什么被支撑起以至水平上升,我们如何通过建造人工地平线与天空之间的联系,以及如今的改造大地的意义又是什么?”
Francisco Gutierrez Peregrina often reflects: "We need to ask ourselves, what does it mean to build? How do we give order and scale to the building so that everything is clear and unambiguous? What sustains us and elevates us, how do we connect with the sky by building an artificial horizon, and what does it mean to transform the earth today?"

Francisco Gutiérrez Peregrina,1999年毕业于ITESO的建筑系,并在瓜纳华托大学研读遗址和古迹修复硕士学位。从业以来,一直着力于建筑设计、文化传播、修复和保护建筑与相关家具方面的工作,主要涉及住宅、修复、商业、工业和零售空间等建筑领域。

Francisco Gutierrez Peregrina graduated from ITESO's Faculty of Architecture in 1999 and studied for a master's degree in ruins and Restoration at the University of Guanajuato. Since then, he has been working on architectural design, cultural dissemination, restoration and conservation of buildings and related furniture, mainly in the residential, restoration, commercial, industrial and retail Spaces.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :COA Arquitectura
