比利时知名设计事务所Tjip Studio,由设计师Jakob VynckeThomas Meesschaert共同创立于2012年。作为专业的室内建筑设计工作室,“通过无尽的创造力来获得新鲜的灵感,打造令人尊重的设计”一直以来是他们坚守的信念。他们对于改善环境的设计充满热情,在工作中经常受到日常生活方面的启发,从小物件到大空间,无不表现着自然与文化的融合。

Tjip Studio was founded in 2012 by Jakob Vyncke and Thomas Meesschaert. As a professional interior architecture design studio, "through endless creativity to obtain fresh inspiration, to create respected design" has always been their belief. They are passionate about the design of improving the environment, and their work is often inspired by the aspects of daily life, from small objects to large Spaces, all showing the integration of nature and culture.

Katte Boom



This sophisticated modern villa blends with a classic rustic exterior and exudes a relaxed and calm atmosphere. Interiors and buildings always give the illusion that they are not man-made, but interwoven with nature. Tjip creates balanced and harmonious lines while also strengthening the connection with the surrounding environment, using moderate focal elements, quality materials and soft textiles to complement the interior decoration, which feels like being wrapped in a warm blanket.

Mercator Marina



Located in the Ostend Cosmopolitan landmark SKY Tower, this duplex house offers sweeping 180-degree views of the sea. Peaceful colors and natural materials are applied to create a unique experience and atmosphere of the space. The use of ceiling and glass in the living room makes the house an ideal place to receive visitors and relax. A hidden staircase leads to the office, master room, children's room, guest room and private room with three bathrooms.

Groenen Dijk



A compact apartment in a Belgian town has been transformed by a designer to enhance its connection to the sea and become a weekend home for a family of three. In order to make the house more visually open, all the custom furniture is grouped together, coupled with proper proportions, composition and exquisite line interweaving to achieve a consistent balance. The sea view acts as a priceless painting of nature, the interior carefully selected natural materials and colors to match, warm cave stone, wood and sandy texture, immerse in endless peace and tranquility.

Maria Hendrika



Respecting the existing architecture, Tjip transformed the original manor family home into a sophisticated modern house, creating a sense of space security in the open layout, while using calm materials and elegant colors to further create a valuable sense of intimacy. The building is located on one side of the park, so the park naturally becomes the unique "supporting" landscape garden of the house, and it is used as a natural canvas, so that the residents feel like living in the natural landscape.

Tjip Studio



Yinjispace:You said that form follows the function. May we understand it as function creates the form?

Thomas Meesschaert在我看来,形式和功能之间的主次关系是可以相互调换的。每个设计师都有自己特定的思考方式,当你采用正确的设计策略时,会发现无论形式追随功能或是功能追随形式,均会让人去考虑如何设计空间。最重要的是,在设计时要注重整体,不能过度地关注细节,然后才能追随形式或功能,再是深入细节,从而重新建构设计的平衡。

Thomas Meesschaert:Everyone may have a specific design approach. When you start designing with the correct method, you will find that form follows function or function follows form, which will make people think about how to design space. The most important thing is to pay attention to the overall design and not overly focus on details. You can follow the form or function, then delve into details and re-balance the design. So in my opinion, there can be a shift between form and function’s order.


Yinjispace:How do you think the light design of the space?

Thomas Meesschaert:灯光通常是设计的最后一环。设计必需优先考虑自然光,这点毋庸置疑。平面布局确认之前,我们会根据人工照明重新检验设计的合理性。

Thomas Meesschaert:Lighting is usually the last part in design. The design is based on natural light, which cannot be changed. After the floor plan design is completed, we will reconsider the design based on artificial lighting.


For example, in the absence of sunlight at night, facing the space is like facing a blank area, and then you can start designing again from here. We will reconsider the design focus to create a unique feeling. By setting soft light, bright light, light focus, and highlights to soften the space, candlelight can also add a sense of naturalness. Because this is artificial lighting, you can create an atmosphere at will and create the suitable design of the space, so lighting has always been the last part in our design.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :TJIP
