VSHD是一家位于迪拜和蒙特利尔的室内设计工作室,以创新的空间构思和精致的品质匠造而闻名,由设计师Rania Hamed创立。工作室善于借助光来表现、改变或者塑造空间,其所设计的项目并不趋于“潮流”,而是追求“不过时”和“永恒”的空间本质。

VSHD is an interior design studio based in Dubai and Montreal known for innovative spatial ideas and exquisite quality workmanship, founded by designer Rania Hamed. The studio is good at using light to express, change or shape space, and its design projects do not tend to "trend", but pursue "timeless" and "eternal" spatial essence.

Pool House



This stylish modern villa consists of two buildings, located in the desert vegetation, the interior and exterior design is dominated by smooth and simple lines, with large arch Windows and understated earth colors, furniture and accessories, both in style choice and craftsmanship, pay attention to quality and conform to the identity of the owner, and highlight the delicate and warm colors. The effect of light and shadow creates a sense of tranquility, while the simple blend of light, form and design creates a sense of pure atmosphere.

Klei Spa


KLEÏ Spa & Hammam是一家位于迪拜的高档的女士水疗中心,所使用的天然粘土成为了该项目设计、装饰和灵感的重要组成部分。粘土的可塑性令人联想起各种不同的曲线、不规则的或是有机的形体,通过它们来塑造空间,虽然使用方式的变化会随之发生变化,但空间始终呈现出整体性、和平和宁静之感。

At KLEI Spa & Hammam, an upscale women's spa in Dubai, the natural clay used was an important part of the design, decor and inspiration for the project. The plasticity of the clay evokes a variety of curved, irregular or organic shapes through which the space is shaped, and although the use changes with it, the space always presents a sense of integrity, peace and tranquility.

Origami Dubai Mall



The architectural design and style of the project continue the form of natural materials and organic shapes, reflecting the influence of the minimalist philosophy of traditional Japanese culture and cuisine on VSHD. The removal of the old decorative surfaces of the original building, exposing the original stucco and irregular parts, allows the new facade to form a dialogue with it. The terracotta floor replaces the mix of the original floor and furniture to continue the restaurant's ethnic and modern characteristics, showing the appearance of traditional Japanese design.



内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :VSHD

