Vesper Projects是一家位于比利时安特卫普的室内设计工作室,是一个年轻且充满朝气的四人团队。受城市活力的激励以及沉醉于乡村风景和自然之美,他们以创造力和温暖的空间氛围为构建目标,使用纯粹的、自然的和可持续性的材料,营造和谐且具有宁静和趋于永恒的作品,并将亲切感与舒适性融为一体。

Vesper Projects is an interior design studio based in Antwerp, Belgium, with a young and energetic team of four. Inspired by the vitality of the city and fascinated by the beauty of rural landscapes and nature, they aim to create creative and warm Spaces, using pure, natural and sustainable materials to create harmonious and serene and timeless works that combine intimacy and comfort.

RB Residential


这是一间富有诗意的农舍式住宅,Vesper Projects于传统与现代、历史与永恒之间创造了一种特殊的内在联系。天然材料和色调的运用使室内外完美地融合,每一件精心挑选的家具、摆件、艺术品等旨在对周围的环境及传统表示致敬。光,被作为一种独特的自然形式而存在,随着时间的变化而变化赋予空间特定的情境。

A poetic farmhouse, Vesper Projects create a special inner connection between the traditional and the modern, the historical and the timeless. The use of natural materials and colors makes the interior and exterior perfectly integrated, and each piece of furniture, decoration, artwork, etc. is carefully selected to pay tribute to the surrounding environment and traditions. Light, which exists as a unique form of nature, changes over time to give space a specific context.

NE Apartment


为了给客户打造一个简单且舒适的住宅,那么必需尊重并深刻地理解客户的需求,Vesper Projects以温暖的白色作为空间的主色调,同时摈弃多余的装饰,凭借干练的内部形体与构造来呈现空间感,令室内展现出素雅、纯粹,无一丝杂余的低调品质,同时借以提升业主的居住体验。

In order to create a simple and comfortable residence for the client, it is necessary to respect and deeply understand the needs of the client. Vesper Projects takes warm white as the main color of the space, and at the same time, it abandons the superfluous decoration. It presents the sense of space by virtue of the capable internal shape and structure, so that the interior shows a simple, pure and low-key quality without a trace of clutter. At the same time to enhance the owner's living experience.

EM Apartment


EM Apartment是一处位于比利时的极简住宅,空间的白色与深色的木质家具形成对比,赋予其视觉上的层次变化。穿过薄纱,游走的光赋予了客厅独特的活力。内部几乎所有的门都采用暗门做法,使空间更具有整体性。推拉门的设置则可根据使用需要而进行开合,在保持空间连贯的同时,能够确保业主的个人隐私。

EM Apartment is a minimalist home in Belgium, where the white color of the space contrasts with dark wooden furniture, giving it a visual change of level. The light that flows through the tulle gives the living room its unique vitality. Almost all doors in the interior use secret doors to make the space more integrated. The sliding door can be opened and closed according to the needs of the use, while maintaining the continuity of the space, to ensure the privacy of the owner.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Vesper Projects

