The Ranch Mine是由一对美国设计师夫妇Cavin CostelloClaire Costello共同成立的建筑事务所。这是一支由“冒险家”组成的高技能团队,每位成员都有着先锋精神,并努力地尝试打破传统思维的束缚。他们将建造“与大自然紧密联系”的建筑为使命,以激发人们的好奇心和探险精神,让人们更有勇气去做自己喜欢的事情。
The Ranch Mine is an architectural practice co-founded by an American designer couple, Cavin and Claire Costello. It is a highly skilled team of "adventurers", each with a pioneering spirit and an effort to break the shackles of conventional thinking. They make it their mission to build buildings that "connect with nature" to inspire curiosity and adventure and empower people to do what they love.

Mockingbird House

Mockingbird House是一座悬挂式庭院住宅,位于亚利桑那州的天堂谷。其设计打破了室内与室外生活之间的界限,创造了一个将沙漠之美与现代生活的复杂性相结合的家。与许多大型住宅不同,该住宅最高海拔仅15英尺,保留了其周围的山景。建筑布局呈 "C "字形,围绕着一个中央庭院展开。

Mockingbird House is a hanging courtyard house located in Paradise Valley, Arizona. Its design breaks down the boundaries between indoor and outdoor living, creating a home that combines the beauty of the desert with the complexity of modern living. Unlike many large homes, this one has a maximum elevation of just 15 feet above sea level and retains its surrounding mountain views. The building is arranged in a "C "shape around a central courtyard.
White Dates House


"White Dates"住宅的灵感来自于该地的椰枣棕榈树,其中一棵被用来作为房屋入口的标志。房子的布局以Camelback山的美景作为驱动,将大房间和主要套房布置在最能充分利用美景的位置。大房间的特点是两侧的落地玻璃门可以将从山上吹来的凉风引入室内,同时向前后露台开放,为室内和室外生活提供互动与联系。

The house 'White Dates' was inspired by the site's date palm trees, one of which was used as a sign to mark the entrance to the house. The layout of the house is driven by views of the Camelback Mountains, placing the great rooms and main suites in a position to make the most of the views. The great room features floor-to-ceiling glass doors on both sides that bring in cool air from the mountains, while opening to the front and rear terraces, providing a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor living.

O-asis House

O-asis”住宅坐落在沙漠环境之中,只有12.5英尺高,部分被生锈的钢制围栏包围。它强大的水平形式被设计成一个基准,以突出沙漠景观的戏剧性形状。游泳池打破了 "O"形的规划,将人们的视线引向沙漠,看向南边的山景。泳池顶部有一个内置的火坑长凳,白天可以享受阳光,晚上则可以在星空下休憩。

The "O-asis" home sits in a desert setting, just 12.5 feet tall and partially surrounded by a rusting steel rattlesnake fence. Its powerful horizontal form is designed as a benchmark to highlight the dramatic shape of the desert landscape. The pool breaks up the "O "shaped plan and leads you to the desert, looking south towards the mountain views. There is a built-in fire pit bench at the top of the pool to enjoy the sun during the day and relax under the stars at night.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校对 Proof:Xran

图片版权 Copyright :The Ranch Mine

