Shaun Lockyer Architects是一家位于澳洲的建筑事务所,简称“SLa”,由Shaun Lockyer成立于2009年。主要从事定制类住宅领域,将他们多年的工作经验和与不同团队合作的热情应用于实践的各个方面,致力于为业主打造经典的、具有审美性的和提升生活品质的实用性住宅。
Shaun Lockyer Architects is an Australian based architectural practice, or SLa, founded in 2009 by Shaun Lockyer. Working mainly in the field of custom housing, they apply their years of working experience and passion for working with different teams to all aspects of practice, dedicated to creating classic, aesthetic and life-enhancing practical homes for owners.

Shaun Lockyer的带领下,团队为每个项目注入了不同的感知体验,赋予其开放性的意识。理解和优先考虑客户的需求是设计的前提,再通过结合设计的专业知识使他们的愿景以建筑的形式体现,每个项目的呈现都反映了事务所对客户的尊重、对合作的重视以及对细节的关注。
Led by Shaun Lockyer, the team infused each project with a different perceptual experience, giving it a sense of openness. Understanding and prioritizing the client's needs is the premise of the design, and by combining their design expertise to make their vision manifest in the form of architecture, each project is presented to reflect the firm's respect for the client, emphasis on collaboration and attention to detail.

Shaun Lockyer是一位有着30多年国际设计经验的资深设计师,他对项目的热情体现于对质量、细节和密切合作的极致追求上,所以,SLa的每一个项目他都会参与其中。
Shaun Lockyer is a senior designer with more than 30 years of international design experience. His passion for projects is reflected in the ultimate pursuit of quality, detail and close collaboration. As a result, he is involved in every SLa project. 
Previously employed at SAOTA and Arkhefield, he was recently inducted as a Fellow of the AIA in recognition of his continuing contributions to architectural education and design practice.

Shaun Lockyer看来,哪怕细微的差别最终都会对建筑产生巨大的影响,无论是光线投射到立面的方式、材料的选择还是构建一座永恒建筑的形式,使其能够经受漫长的岁月之后,更加趋于完美。而建造适合长久居住的、给人带来愉悦的居住空间是设计的终极意义。
In Shaun Lockyer's view, even small differences ultimately have a huge impact on architecture, whether it is the way light is projected on the facade, the choice of materials, or the form of a timeless building that can withstand long periods of time and become more perfect. The ultimate meaning of design is to build a living space that is suitable for long-term living and brings pleasure to people.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Shaun Lockyer Architects
