巴西建筑师Arthur Casas主持着一间以自己名字命名的建筑工作室,主要服务于国内外的建筑设计、商业空间、房地产开发和住宅设计等领域。Arthur Casas的设计风格受现代巴西建筑风格的影响,同时,其作品也表现出了丰富的多样性,因为他总能在每一个项目的设计中有着截然不同的、令人意料之外的灵感构思。

Brazilian architect Arthur Casas leads his eponymous architecture studio, specializing in the fields of architectural design, commercial space, real estate development and residential design at home and abroad. The design style of Arthur Casas is influenced by the modern Brazilian architectural style. At the same time, his works are rich in diversity, because he always has a completely different and unexpected inspiration in each project design.




Coudelaria consists of two buildings, and the architects' intention was to integrate the space into the site environment. One of them is a pavilion, which is mainly used for leisure. While meeting the basic functional requirements, it also needs to plan a separate area to display the horses raised by the owner. The other is a 14-room B&B with private gardens and access to terraces, each with a pool of mirrored water that mirrors everything around it.

BD House

BD House is a modernist building located in a leafy suburb of Sao Paulo, Brazil, which has been created as a perfect holiday destination. The main body of the building is made of cast-in-place concrete, whose solid, stiff, and square form clearly delineates the boundaries between interior and exterior. However, the extensive glazing on the ground floor allows the interior to open naturally to the outside, visually and physically connecting with the garden.

LAB House


LAB 住宅,坐落在茂密的森林深处,其整体的建筑规模和能够眺望大海的高地位置,反而使它更像是一座独特的观景台。Arthur Casas工作室结合了空间的尺度、线性形式和天然材料,使住宅建筑与自然元素形成微妙对比,为业主营造了一个协调、平衡、舒适的居住氛围。

The LAB House, located deep in a dense forest, is more like a unique observation deck because of its overall scale and elevation overlooking the sea. Studio Arthur Casas combines the scale, linear form and natural materials of the space to create a subtle contrast between the house building and the natural elements, creating a harmonious, balanced and comfortable living atmosphere for the owners.

IG House


IG住宅是为一对有着两个孩子的年轻夫妇所设计的,建筑由最初的4间套房,被改造成目前的3间套房和一间儿童房,此外一楼的客厅也被扩大,并且减少了适当的室外面积。Arthur Casas需要对现有空间进行重新的研究、处理和有效分配,以满足客户对天花高度、不同空间使用者的个性化需求等。

IG House was designed for a young couple with two children. From the original 4 suites, the building was transformed into 3 suites and a children's room. In addition, the living room on the ground floor was enlarged and the appropriate outdoor area was reduced. Arthur Casas needed to re-study, process and allocate the existing space effectively to meet the client's individual needs of ceiling height, different space users, etc.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Arthur Casas
