With a focused and serious attitude We hope to create an imagination about “life” Make every second here Rich and bright.

Day Meal And Night Drink
Salute ordinary, collect a moment, details for a long time. Clear and confused, eclipse night drink. It is a night house as well as a day house. In the space of more than 200 square meters, holding the dream of time. Small, shining moments are a part of the eternal world and an unrepeatable anchor of the ordinary.

白日里,食物的美好占据了很多想象空间。前成都尼依格罗行政总厨ELEMEN CHANG(曾任职米其林三星餐厅)与法国蓝带荣誉毕业西点师 JOJO,通过精致轻法餐与早午餐,以慰温暖三餐。
During the day, the beauty of food occupies much of the imagination. ELEMEN CHANG, former Executive chef of Niccolo Chengdu (with three Michelin stars) and JOJO, honorary pastry chef of Cordon Bleu, warm up the meal with a light French meal and brunch.

夜晚时,微醺的畅意抒怀别有意趣。FLASK集团酒吧经理Allen Xsu与路易威登等世界品牌御用调酒师,随灯影初上呈上经典主义鸡尾酒。比例完美,兴味合意。让每次“夜饮”都难以忘记。
In the evening, the cocktails are served by Allen Xsu, the bar manager of FLASK Group, and the bartenders of Louis Vuitton and other world brands. The proportions are perfect and the flavors are perfect. Each "night drink" will be unforgettable.

The morning dew is passing, the dusk is infinite; the clear light is brimming, the rain is also strange. The four groups are quiet, the four scattered and wild. The rhythm of life and the flavor of emotions are contained in the light and shadow of the day and night, and in the food and wine. Before getting slightly drunk, the lined up commercial buildings and the streets of the mountain city gradually settle into a ghostly twilight, and the love, hate, anger, and thick confusion of the children of the fog city are ground into hazy dreaming. This is a collection of the shimmering light in the blandness.

All things are natural, The seasons are soft.
徜徉于重庆金科中心的商业街间,“ONE DAY日时夜影”是蓦然回首的神之所往。餐厅设计简约轻盈,予心灵以恬淡留白。设计师将原本过于直白的临街玻璃幕墙拆除,借势外扩出一段游廊似的半开放空间,以灰色水泥墙、深色金属挑檐和半透水纹玻璃,来修辞通风借雨的高抬折叠窗。
Wandering in the commercial street of Chongqing Jinke Center, "ONE DAY" is a place to look back at. The design of the restaurant is simple and light, giving the mind a quiet white space. The designer removed the original overly straightforward glass curtain wall on the street and used it to expand a corridor-like semi-open space with gray concrete walls, dark metal eaves and semi-transparent glass to modify the raised folding windows for ventilation and rain.

As a result, the warmth of the room is integrated with the nature of the terrace, and the freshness of the plants and the sweetness of the food are blended blindly. Marble and metal are shining in the grass and wood, solid wood and rattan furniture are dyed in the light of natural texture.

Mist flow haze, rainbow twilight clouds, air flow, people at ease. Point a cup of coffee, steal a moment free time, lazy in the scenery with different seasons, experience the touch of wind by thick to fine, see the colour of light from thick to weak.

The only downtown is suddenly,
elegant and uncontested
Etching light and shadows, time flows, figurative time, leaving traces. The open and transparent layout of the restaurant not only divides the dining area through the visual openness of the three gradients, but also further sets the individual movements of the light and shadow sonata.

The light from the sky, which varies throughout the day, is filtered through the wide openings, glass façade and long narrow windows, and scatters in low, with a gentle texture and rich layers, touching the rustic and natural tables, chairs and plates inch by inch.

The space whispers the floating light of day and night, and captures the gentle flow of time in a tangible way. Beyond the extremely restrained design language, there is a subtle atmosphere that can only be observed in a vacation mood.

The smoky flavor of sunlight burning and the long aftertaste of star and moon drenched are highlighted in the simple but exquisite design - relaxed and intimate, to the taste of refreshment. The carousel outside the window is an infinite loop of dreams. There is no need to be mundane. Dried up is just the way to spend the day, but life should have imagination. Day time or night shadow above, space is intertwined with reality, people are in between half-dreams.

Project Name:One Day Gastro Lounge
Project Location:Chongqing
Design Date:2022
Owner Team:Hu Jianfeng, Yin Jun
Interior Design:Research Commune Design
Decoration Design:Research Commune Design
Chief Designer:Deng Zhichao
Design Team:Lu Min, Zhang Yi, Xia Qianyun, Liu Xinyi
Photography:404NF STUDIO

建筑室内设计师 / 研质共设创始人及创意总监
研质共设以创新为理念构建多元化设计。作品思考当代、探索未来,团队成员具有丰富的设计经验及前瞻设计理念。提供酒店、会所、商业空间等多领域的综合室内设计服务及软装、艺术品解决方案,用精准 创新的理念及全面细致的服务营造多元的艺术空间。

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Lu JY    校稿 Proof:Xran
图片版权 Copyright :研质共设
