
Labotory, located in Seoul, South Korea, is a professional service-oriented value-oriented design studio. They are not limited to the inherent aesthetic expression, but pursue the feasibility of implementing design concepts into projects, overcome the constraints of site factors, and use unique design language to transform into unlimited creative ideas and conception, avoiding the generation of homogeneity through subtle differences. Thus, more mature design logic and innovative thinking are derived.

Hyundai Department Psr Lounge


James Turrell说:"观看是一种非常感性的行为,犹如自己看到某种东西时有一种甜蜜的感觉。"Labtory对这句话有着强烈的认同,为了捕捉这种浓烈的感官性动作,他们开始以“Heterotopia”为灵感概念,尝试讲述发生于日常生活与乌托邦之间的独特体验,换句话说,这构成了日常生活的另一面。
"Looking is a very emotional act," says James Turrell. "Feeling like there's something sweet and delicious about looking at something." Labtory identified strongly with this phrase, and in order to convey this sensational sensory behavior, they began designing with the concept of "Heterotopia," which tells of ecstatic experiences found on the boundary between ordinary life and utopia, in other words, the other side of everyday life.

Hyundai Department Psr Lounge 2


“PSR”是“Personal Shopper Room”的缩写,它是尊贵顾客的购物场所,百货商店已经成为了他们日常生活的重要部分,因此,Labotory希望它能构建一处可以让人们体验到卓越的服务品质的地方。为了实现这一点,他们将原本尚缺成熟的概念和过时的商业形象进行更新,让奢侈品的稀缺价值能够在新PSR的服务和文化体系中体现出来。

PSR stands for Personal Shopper Room. It is a shopping place for top VIPs, and department stores have become part of their daily lifestyle. Therefore, Labotory hopes that it can become a place where people can feel excellent service quality. To do this, they took the existing department's immature concept and stale image and changed the direction of the department so that the scarcity value of luxury goods could be reflected in the service and culture of the new PSR.



It is a hybrid space that is functionally interchangeable between day and night, being used as a coffee and bakery during the day and a bar at night. The space is dominated by dark blue, which contrasts with the rough granite to create a chic Oriental charm. Labotory proposed a variety of seating forms in order to arrange the seating according to the degree of natural light required for each space and make efficient use of the space.



Labotory set Fei's brand essence as "a futuristic new city". Through the exploration and analysis of Hong Kong's streets and new urban landscapes, they designed Spaces for cultural interaction that are futuristic fantasies while expressing new inspirations. The layout of Fei space is divided into public hall, semi-private booth and private restaurant according to the operation purpose and needs, in order to better serve customers.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Labotory
