意大利设计师Andrea Tognon出生于家具制作世家,在IUAV(威尼斯)和Bartlett(伦敦)学习建筑后,于2002年在纽约成立了自己同名建筑设计工作室,2007年,他决定将工作室搬到他目前居住的米兰。他的作品诞生于建筑、空间和产品设计的交汇处,通过观察场地环境和结构形式,来思考如何传达情感和身份价值。

Italian designer Andrea Tognon comes from a family of furniture makers. After studying architecture at IUAV(Venice) and Bartlett(London), he established his eponymous architectural design studio in New York in 2002. In 2007, he decided to move the studio to Milan, where he currently lives. Born at the intersection of architecture, space and product design, his work considers how to convey emotional and identity values by looking at site environments and structural forms.

Andrea Tognon领导的设计工作室,善于通过研究和探索的过程来追求每个项目的完整性,寻找和捕捉品牌自身无形的内在本质,将空间关于如何承载生活的想法转化为实体的形式并巧妙地将其融入到物件、空间和产品设计之中。

Led by Andrea Tognon, the design studio is good at pursuing the integrity of each project through the process of research and exploration, seeking and capturing the intangible intrinsic nature of the brand itself, transforming the idea of space on how to carry life into a physical form and subtly integrating it into the design of objects, Spaces and products.

Andrea Tognon的作品,讲究感官和情感丰富性之间的协同一致,以明确的目的性和流动性为标志。空间恰当的比例常常伴随着逻辑上的缜密思考,或者更趋近于某种概念的表达,与感知形成对比,以此来改变既有的空间意识。

Andrea Tognon's work is a synergy between sensory and emotional richness, marked by a clear sense of purpose and fluidity. The proper proportion of space is often accompanied by logical careful thinking, or more close to the expression of a concept, in contrast to the perception, in order to change the existing spatial consciousness.


The studio aims at contacting, understanding and internalizing, and then realizing the design strategy of spreading brand culture and transforming space. They hope to redefine the identity of space in the dynamic process of complex urban environments, so they combine daily practice and research in a multidisciplinary collaborative process, while communicating, collaborating and ultimately reaching consensus with different creatives, technology and engineering companies.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Andrea Tognon
