VOA Arquitetura是巴西一家室内设计工作室,由设计师Beatriz BarbieriJulia ZaroukMarcella GavassoMaria Pia Laloni共同成立,她们以新型的、现代的创新方式去探索建筑和设计的多样化表达。创始人之间的个体思维能够很好的相互理解与补充,同时每个人又有着自己特殊的才能,对设计项目的推进有着积极的作用。
VOA Arquitetura is a Brazilian interior design studio founded by designers Beatriz Barbieri, Julia Zarouk, Marcella Gavasso and Maria Pia Laloni. They explore diverse expressions of architecture and design in new, modern and innovative ways. The individual thinking of the founders can understand and complement each other well. At the same time, each founder has his own special talent, which plays a positive role in the promotion of the design project.



这是一间位于巴西圣保罗一栋20世纪70年代建筑内的公寓,VOA Arquitetura希望在保留建筑野兽派风格的同时,为室内空间规划全新的布局。因为房间面积小,自然光照不足,所以工作室采用了一种更为开放和平和的设计方式,在提升住宅美感的同时,满足业主的客观功能需求。
An apartment in a 1970s building in Sao Paulo, Brazil, VOA Arquitetura wanted to create a new layout for the interior while retaining the building's brutalist style. Due to the small size of the room and the lack of natural light, the studio adopted a more open and peaceful design approach to enhance the aesthetic of the house while meeting the objective functional needs of the owner.




The CTP house uses the outdoor landscape as the main entry point of the living room layout, with a mix of shapes and textures active in the space, which harmonizes with the whole against the backdrop of neutral colors. With the bookcase as the visual center, the different textures of earth colors create a unique interior environment and fulfill all the client's visions.




From the designer's point of view, the space reflects the personality and characteristics of the occupants, so every material used and atmosphere created in each project needs to be considered, even the smallest details. The MCR house, which was once underutilized, has become an important gathering place for family and friends under the reasonable planning of the designer.




In the project, the duality of light and dark creates a sense of comfort in the room, and all materials are chosen to serve a specific purpose. In order to create an open living room, the main wall between the living room and the kitchen was removed, allowing the island of the dining table to become the visual focus. Every detail in the master bedroom is designed to create a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere, while the flowing space and abundant natural light create more possibilities for the interior.

Voa Arquitetura


四位创始人都毕业于Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie的建筑与城市设计学院,目前正以多学科的方式开展工作,主要涉及建筑、设计和室内设计等,并在与知名事务所的合作以及众多国际项目中获得丰富经验,经过深入的思考和吸收之后,完美地融入到设计之中,形成自己的符号语言。在追求创意和质量的驱动下,她们目前完成了许多不同规模的项目落地。

All four founders graduated from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie's School of Architecture and Urban Design and are currently working in a multi-disciplinary manner, mainly in architecture, design and interior design, gaining extensive experience in collaborations with renowned firms and numerous international projects. After deep thinking and absorption, it is perfectly integrated into the design and forms its own symbolic language. Driven by the pursuit of creativity and quality, they have completed many projects of different sizes.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Voa Arquitetura
