JDA Co.是一家总部位于澳大利亚的建筑事务所,专注于设计建造适应城市环境变化和能够防止各种自然灾害轻易破坏的建筑,他们以将文化或商业建筑改造成现代酒店、商业办公和剧院而闻名。其中,可持续的设计策略一直贯穿至总体规划、旧改翻新、住宅和其他的研究项目里。
JDA Co is an Australia-based architectural practice that specializes in designing and constructing buildings that adapt to changes in the urban environment and can be easily damaged by various natural disasters. They are known for transforming cultural or commercial buildings into modern hotels, commercial offices and theatres. Sustainable design strategies have been incorporated into master plans, renovations, residences and other research projects.

Located on the edge of the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef, the house offers stunning natural beauty and is inspired by Lizedd Island's rich geological and Marine ecosystem. The facade of the building is like a swimming stingray, and its narrow slit Windows on the south and west are like "gills" to receive the blowing sea, allowing the house to "breathe" freely in the hot season.

Due to the particularity of the site of the house, the architect should consider reducing excessive environmental intervention in the design and construction, and at the same time, it can withstand the unique topography that makes it more vulnerable to hurricanes or bad weather. Thus, it is a building that provides shelter for its occupants.

The perforated copper sheet on the facade of the building has a certain aesthetic quality, while acting as a "shield" to reduce the inherent hurricane damage of the reef. The center of the house is connected by a curved staircase, where you can look up at the sky. The interior features three fully equipped bedrooms with panoramic views of the nature outside, while the terrace and spa are located on the top floor with 360° panoramic views.

红木和铜给室内带来温暖,并为壮观的自然环境注入了充满活力的色彩。取自海螺形态的巨大的、底部曲面的祖母绿石英岩厨房岛台成为空间的视觉焦点,而其微妙的绿色又与室外珊瑚礁的景观遥相呼应。为了令使用者有着置身自然的居住体验,JDA Co.采用了与外部环境相类似的材料应用于室内,使室内外完美地融为一体。
Mahogany and copper bring warmth to the interior and inject vibrant colors into the spectacular natural setting. The large, bottom-curved emerald-quartzite kitchen island, taken from the conch form, becomes the visual focal point of the space, while its subtle green color responds to the outdoor coral reef landscape. In order to make users have a natural living experience, JDA Co uses materials similar to the external environment to apply to the interior, so that the interior and exterior are perfectly integrated.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :JDA Co.
