出生于法国的缘故,墨西哥建筑师Ludwig Godefroy对建筑有着独特的情感,两个不同的国度,赋予了他难能可贵的滋养。而作为工作和生活之地的墨西哥,更是他主要的灵感来源。因此,他与墨西哥建立了一种温柔而又饱含深情的联系,于是2011年,他选择在墨西哥成立了自己的建筑事务所Ludwig Godefroy Architecture
Born in France, Mexican architect Ludwig Godefroy has a unique emotion for architecture. Two different countries have endowed him with valuable nourishment. Mexico, where he lives and works, is his main source of inspiration. As a result, he developed a tender but affectionate connection with Mexico, and in 2011, he chose to set up his own practice in Mexico, Ludwig Godefroy Architecture.

Casa TO


Casa TO位于太平洋海岸可享受金色日落的地方,于此,大海、沙滩和悬崖构成了独特的地貌全景。住宅在简约和优雅、传统与时尚的形式中被勾勒出来,并为大自然的宁静而环绕。其名字的灵感源于冥想时,是对Oaxacan寺庙的重新诠释,人们进入其中,无不产生一种与众不同的感官体验。
Casa TO is located on the Pacific coast where golden sunsets are enjoyed, with unique panoramic views of the sea, sand and cliffs. The house is outlined in the form of simplicity and elegance, tradition and fashion, and is surrounded by the tranquility of nature. The name was inspired by meditation and is a reinterpretation of the Oaxacan temple, where people enter and experience a different sensory experience.

Casa Alférez


The concept of Alferez house is derived from the forest hut and its presentation as a protective shelter in the forest. The architects wanted the house to be like a freestanding cube, resting peacefully in the middle of a dense forest. The result is a complex and contradictory linguistic system that is on the one hand a romantic cottage and on the other a strong fortress.

Casa VO


The "barbarist" house integrates the garden and private pool with the living area, providing the residents with an indoor and outdoor experience. There are two bedrooms, with the master upstairs and the second adjoining the open-air living space in the main house. The sloping "roof" creates a unique social space, making it an important area for family interaction while watching the sun set and the moon rise.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Ludwig Godefroy

