Polina Ditsman是一位来自俄罗斯的女性建筑师、室内和家具设计师,在莫斯科经营着自己同名的建筑设计事务所。她负责的每个项目无不以创造“优秀的作品”为主要愿望,将“提升客户的生活环境,满足其需求并反映其个性”作为最终目标,构建一种超乎想象的室内空间景观。
Polina Ditsman is a Russian female architect, interior and furniture designer who runs her own eponymous architectural design firm in Moscow. Every project she is responsible for is based on the main desire to create "high-quality products", and the ultimate goal is to "enhance the living environment of the customer, meet their needs and reflect their personality", to build an interior space landscape beyond imagination.

在创作实践中,Polina Ditsman工作的核心和关键原则一直是“以一致的理念、完整的形式和构图来塑造和谐的室内环境”。她始终将家具设计与室内设计并行考虑,而鲜明的个人属性是其设计的主要特征,这也使得她的追随者遍布世界各地。

In her creative practice, the core and key principle of Polina Ditsman's work has always been "to shape a harmonious interior environment with a consistent idea, complete form and composition". She has always considered furniture design and interior design in parallel, and distinct personal attributes are the main characteristics of her design, which has also made her followers all over the world.

Polina Ditsman在设计构思时,常常围绕着建筑与自然之间的关系而展开,减少非必要的装饰与色彩元素,采用柔和的线条、中性的色调和有机的材料将公寓与室外景观相结合,整体上追求简约、优雅的审美或风格,控制人造光的过度使用,勾勒出远离喧嚣的、宁静的室内情景。

Polina Ditsman's design concept often revolves around the relationship between architecture and nature, reducing unnecessary decorative and color elements, using soft lines, neutral tones and organic materials to integrate the apartment with the outdoor landscape, the overall pursuit of simple and elegant aesthetic or style, controlling the excessive use of artificial light. Create a quiet interior scene away from the hustle and bustle.

简约而不简单的节点构造,为Polina Ditsman构建出一处处充满自由灵性的生活场所。有条不紊的纹理细节在其设计的空间中得到完美地呈现,结合内饰的局部点缀,使其具有了趋向完美的和谐比例,同时恰当的材质使用赋予了整个空间难能可贵的质感。

The simple but not simple node structure creates a living place full of free spirituality for Polina Ditsman. Methodical texture details are perfectly presented in its designed space, combined with the partial embellishment of the interior, so that it has a perfect harmonious proportion, while the appropriate use of materials gives the entire space a valuable texture.

内容策划 Present
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校对 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Polina Ditsman
