Georgina Jeffries是一位来自墨尔本的室内设计师,将为客户提供专业服务,创造独特的居住空间作为设计目标,致力于打造高品质的私人住宅和零售空间。她善于在单色色调的背景中加入合适的复古元素,以赋予家个性和深度,她认为,经过深思熟虑的设计可以提升幸福感。

Georgina Jeffries is a Melbourne based interior designer with the goal of providing professional services to clients and creating unique living Spaces, dedicated to creating high quality private residential and retail Spaces. She is adept at adding the right vintage elements to the monochromatic tones of the background to give the home character and depth, and she believes that a well-thought-out design can enhance a sense of well-being.

Georgina Jeffries Home


设计师Georgina Jeffries的家,位于海滨小镇Lorne,房子最初是一座建于1916年的风化纸板小屋。新的设计方案是在满足现代家庭基本生活需求的同时,尊重建筑的历史,并与花园建立联系。天然木材、肌理涂料和大理石饰面,赋予住宅温暖的基调,也提升了内部的整体质感。
Home of designer Georgina Jeffries in the seaside town of Lorne, the house was originally a weathered cardboard cottage built in 1916. The new design scheme is designed to meet the basic living needs of the modern family while respecting the history of the building and establishing a connection with the garden. Natural wood, textural paint and marble finishes give the house a warm tone and enhance the overall texture of the interior.

Martini House


Martini House is designed as a family-style beach resort, combining the design style and form of a Belgian farmhouse and a Mexican seaside villa, using natural materials, organic lines and soft colors to give a refined, calm and appropriate space experience.

The floor of the living room and kitchen is a combination of light-colored irregular stone, which sets the foundation for the soft tones of the house; The vaulted ceiling raises the height of the space and makes the view more open; Wood injects warmth into the communal living Spaces, while linens, leather and fabrics add a lively vitality to the home.

Ocean House


这座海滨别墅是Georgina Jeffries为一户五口之家设计的隐居之所,可以俯瞰Lorne码头、Louttit海湾和Aireys Inlet灯塔。室内开放式的厨房、起居室和用餐区满足了业主的生活和娱乐的日常需求,橡木、水磨石、手工釉面砖和白色大理石的触感和色调为住宅增添了丰富的纹理与色彩。
This beachfront house, designed by Georgina Jeffries as a retreat for a family of five, overlooks Lorne Pier, Louttit Bay and the Aireys Inlet Lighthouse. The interior open-plan kitchen, living and dining areas meet the daily needs of the owners for living and entertaining, while the touch and tone of oak, terrazzo, hand-glazed tiles and white marble add rich texture and color to the house.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Georgina Jeffries
