Gloria Cortina是墨西哥知名的室内设计工作室,由设计师Gloria Cortina成立。工作室善于在室内构造出”一种舞蹈或一系列动作交织而成的、具有三维体验的整体性空间",他们凭借自身的个性,在全球各地,无论是城市、还是乡村、海边都设计了许多有着现代风格的独特空间。

Gloria Cortina is a Mexican interior design studio founded by designer Gloria Cortina. The studio is good at creating "a dance or a series of movements interwoven into an integral space with three-dimensional experience" in the interior. With their own personality, they have designed many unique Spaces with modern styles all over the world, whether in cities, villages or seaside.

Gloria Cortina工作室而言,客户的真实愿望和期许是整个设计过程中需要被优先考虑的,只有得到他们的充分信任,才能呈现出更为丰富的个体经历,并且能够真实地反映客户对于家的风格爱好和自我的性格特征。
For Gloria Cortina Studio, the real wishes and expectations of customers are the priority in the whole design process. Only by gaining their full trust, can we present a richer individual experience and truly reflect the customers' styles and hobbies for home and their own personality characteristics.

创始人Gloria Cortina将自己的每件作品简单地概括成一个品牌,她认为设计应该是文化和工艺最好的当代表达。墨西哥的传统文化与美学,在她独特的感性构图中巧妙而精致地显现出来,并体现了许多设计的基本构思以及灵感来源。

Founder Gloria Cortina simply summarizes each of her pieces into a brand, and she believes that design should be the best contemporary expression of culture and craft. The traditional culture and aesthetics of Mexico are cleverly and delicately revealed in her unique emotional composition, which embodies many of the basic ideas and inspirations of the design.

Gloria Cortina设计的艺术收藏品不仅有着精美的外观,而且在形式、功能和细节上都有着独特的美学渊源,显示对文化和感官内容更为深刻的提炼。它们的设计灵感有的源于墨西哥古代历史,有的则是为营造空间氛围而设计,但都在有着明确实用性的同时,赋予了一种神秘感。

The art collection designed by Gloria Cortina not only has an exquisite appearance, but also has a unique aesthetic origin in form, function and detail, showing a deeper refinement of cultural and sensory content. Some are inspired by ancient Mexican history, others are designed to create the atmosphere of the space, but all have a clear practicality, while giving a sense of mystery.

创造这些有着独特个性的艺术作品的能力,反映了Gloria Cortina对艺术、艺术家和文化领域涉猎的浓厚兴趣,以及她作为国际领先的室内设计师所具有的杰出才能、敏锐的感知力与捕捉力。

The ability to create these unique pieces of art reflects Gloria Cortina's deep interest in art, artists and culture, as well as her outstanding talent, sensitivity and capture as a leading international interior designer.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Gloria Cortina
