Gulyaev+Tsakharias是一家总部位于俄罗斯的室内建筑和设计工作室,由Roman GulyaevMaria Tsakharias共同成立。这家由年轻人组成的工作室,主要涉及零售和商业设计领域,他们的灵感大多都来自于当地文化、自然材料以及日常生活中所见的各种物质形状。

Gulyaev+Tsakharias is an interior architecture and design studio based in Russia, founded by Roman Gulyaev and Maria Tsakharias. The studio, which is made up of young people working in retail and commercial design, is inspired by local culture, natural materials and shapes we see in our daily lives.

Yuliawave Store

The Yuliawave store occupies 106 square meters on the ground floor of a monumental 1930s residential building. Gulyaev+Tsakharias was commissioned by owner Vasilevskaya to create an interior space that perfectly exemplifies the spirit of the brand. Inspired by the exposed concrete walls of the building, they envisioned a space dominated by natural, monochromatic materials that are the signature style basis for the Yuliawave flagship store.

混凝土墙是Roman GulyaevMaria Tsakharias的灵感来源之一,他们清理了覆盖在其表面的油漆,以便展示混凝土和原始建筑的美学结构。入口处长形的销售柜台引导着访客通向空间的内部,同时在小走廊内,设有一间小办公室和卫生间。Yuliawave的后厅,因为三个大窗户的设置而显得格外明亮。

The concrete wall was one of the inspirations for Roman Gulyaev and Maria Tsakharias, who cleaned the paint covering its surface in order to show the aesthetic structure of the concrete and the original building. A large sales counter at the entrance leads visitors to the interior of the space, while a small hallway houses a small office and toilet. The back hall of Yuliawave is illuminated by three large Windows.

Lavarice Store

The design of the Lavarice flagship store was selected based on the properties, tone and texture of natural materials, so light beige became the dominant color of the space to further highlight the display of the goods inside. While the original walls were retained, the new layout and solution were elegantly incorporated into the new design language without disrupting the site environment or the ergonomics of the commercial space as much as possible.

墙壁的随机变化,因其可塑性以及多层次的天花结构使Roman GulyaevMaria Tsakharias得以将动态的情境引入空间,使入口通往试衣间区域的曲线墙壁成为引导客户参观展厅的主要动线。而室内的一些装饰元素不仅定义了空间的特征,从另一个维度来看,也成为了重要的组成部分。

The random variation of the walls, due to their plasticity and the multi-layered ceiling structure, allows Roman Gulyaev and Maria Tsakharias to introduce dynamic situations into the space, making the curvilinear wall from the entrance to the fitting room area the main moving line that guides the client through the exhibition hall. Some decorative elements in the interior not only define the characteristics of the space, but also become important components from another dimension.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Gulyaev+Tsakharias
