
We utilised our own house to design a studio for ourselves, which was both exciting and a rare experience for the design team.


From time to time, I discuss with my clients that if you're choosing a designer you like, don't look at his project experience, but look at his own home.Because, a good design has many possibilities. But, the designer's own home represents his perception and aesthetics of life.


The office serves as a second home for designers (who work overtime and stay up late). Therefore, the original intention of redecorating the office, in addition to jsd's own changes in strategy for future development, more is the depth of thinking about design, work, and life.


We think about the fact that we spend most of our time in the office during the working day. The office naturally becomes our second home. So, how to make the office environment the best experience for everyone, as well as the greatest sense of identity and pleasure, is the key to our thinking about this office.


One Hundred Square Metres

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.In a space of 100 square metres, how to guarantee the best use of functionality while taking care of the moods and preferences of all users.it's a biggest difficulty in the project.


As a result, the space was completely split and reorganised. All available space was fully utilised in a compliant manner.The original kitchen area was opened and linked to the entry area, forming the entrance reception water bar area.


The living balcony was changed into a closed kitchen for the chef to cook working meals; the original dining room area was connected to the living room,we try our best to ensure the comfort and integrity of the meeting space, on the basis of which we have added a telephone room, which not only meets the needs of daily use, but also gives the entry relationship a certain sense of ceremony and a sense of brand image. 


The three original bedrooms and balcony space have been regrouped. The result is an integrated office area with a staff office (brainstorming area) at its core, and linked to an open office, a director's office, and a dialogue tea room.


The traditional hospitality and service functions are hidden from view.all the designs will be reconstructed around the users themselves.we do not have separate meeting rooms, nor do we have so-called staff lounge and reception areas. The brainstorming area not only serves design and discussion, but also applies to dining and meeting functions.


The traditional living room is also not only used as a place for client reception and communication, but also as a space for relaxation and dialogue for our team. The open-plan water bar area and kitchen are also allowed to be shared and used by everyone. Because, more than anything, we want this to be a part of the team's life, a place where everyone can stay.




Since we have made this place our second home, and have loved it and stayed here because of it. Then everything about this space will be the way we like it.


Like-mindedness is not an idealistic statement. Because we all believe in the law of attraction. And at the heart of attraction is a spiritual place where we can all relate to each other. And that's what our studio is.


So whether it is from the expression of the space decoration materials, or processing techniques, or the lighting atmosphere, and the choice of artefacts and so on.these are expressing us all the time, conveying the spirit of jsd, as well as delighting ourselves.


Of course, this is also regarded as a kind of self-expression of jsd, and such expression does not need words to be added. What you see, what you touch, what you feel, is our most real appearance.This is the most basic understanding and expression of our daily life, space aesthetics, and design work. And this is jsd.




The future of jsd is as small and beautiful as our studio. We seek to explore the essence of things and express the nuances of everyday life. We are concerned with the development of the world, as well as our own world.

项目名称 :JSD. Studio New Office
Project Name:JSD. Studio New Office
Design Director:Steven
Design Team: JSD
Overall Project Coordinator:JSD
Building Area: 100
Photography: Steven Borderman  
特别感谢:帝豪伯爵世家(木作定制)、遇光(灯光)、书香门地 、安德蒙特、万峰石材、TOTO 卫浴、方太厨电、AO 史密斯暖通系统、LIVIN ’ 利物因、梧桐树系统门窗、麟戈软装、RE CASA、奥普、王者艺术涂料、Atelier Changphel 山赴手工藏毯、熹明家具(排名不分先后)

Special Thanks To: Imperial Family (wood custom), Yu Guang (light), Shu Xiang Men Di, Andmont, Wanfeng Stone, TOTO Bathroom, Fotile Kitchen Electric, AO Smith HVAC System, LIVIN, Sycamore Tree System Doors and Windows, Linge Soft Outfit, RE CASA, AUPU, King Art Pain , Atelier Changphel, Ximing Furniture  (In no particular order)
Wen Chao, Creative design workers. In 2015, the design brand Jade Simple Design(JSD)was established and gradually determined the professional direction is a creative design agency that is not restricted by style and format. In the process of continuous development, it has accumulated and refined the design proposition of Free-pragmatism with the core of JSD.
简璞设计是一家深根于重庆 & 上海,年轻、有趣、且不局限于某种业态内的开放型创意设计机构。简璞设计一直秉承着 “自由实用主义” 的创作设计理念,并将人与空间、器物间最真实的诉求关系作为设计思考的根基,以此创作出更加实用且有趣的空间与器物作品。团队设计板块涵盖:建筑、景观、室内、家具等多个领域。
JSD is rooted in Chongqing and Shanghai. It is a young, interesting, and open creative design agency that is not limited to a certain form. JSD has always been adhering to the creative design concept of Free-pragmatism and takes the most real appealing relationship between people and space and things as the foundation of design thinking to create more practical and interesting space and furniture works. The team design section covers architecture, landscape, interior, furniture, and other fields.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Lu JY    校对 Proof:Xran
图片版权 Copyright :简璞设计
